Linux Voice is a new GNU/Linux and Free Software magazine, planned for launch in February. It’s from a team of long-time Linux journalists – Graham Morrison, Andrew Gregory, Mike Saunders and Ben Everard – all of who worked on Linux Format magazine for many years. Linux Voice will be the best Linux magazine you can get, and here’s why:

Our magazine will be different for three big reasons:
- 50% of our profits will go back to the Free Software community
- Our content will be freely licensed (CC-BY-SA) after nine months, for the community to share
- We are making this magazine for Linux users, and not to satisfy shareholders
To launch the magazine, we have already raised over £127,000 on our Indiegogo campaign with over 2,000 subscribers. Now you can buy a print or (DRM-free!) digital subscription to Linux Voice and get all this:
- 116 pages of the best quality Linux tutorials, features, reviews and interviews each issue
- 100,000 words of awesome in-depth content every month, from the most experienced writers
- Your opportunity to really get involved, shape the magazine, and decide where our profits go
What, no Linux Voice swag?
I'd love it! Remember the beer mugs, stickers and fridge magnets we used to do… We just need to make the mag a storming success first 🙂
Please sir, a button-down shirt with collar and Linux Voice logo that I can wear to work!
Do we have to buy a sub or will we be able to buy a single issue.?
I intend to buy a sub once my one for the dark side expires and when I've sampled your wares which I'm sure will not the socks of your competition.
We plan to offer single issues, as we get closer to releasing the first one. Stay tuned!
How long before you ditch the pain of buying thru paypal?
Other options are coming, they’re just taking a little longer to set up. Personally I’m hoping that there should be other payment options by the end of the month, but it’ll depend on getting agreements in place with payment gateways, etc.
I would also be happier if the purchase of the subscription were not through paypal but directly with a credit/debit card.
Will Linux Voice be available through retail outlets?
Yes. We're hoping to have this finalised in the next week or so, but it should be available in all good newsagents in the English-speaking world (and perhaps beyond) from issue 1.
Pay Pal won't take my debit card.
attention Marvin Williams :
Your debet card is directly linked to your bankaccount
I have linked Paypal to my bank account , hence no difference
I find Paypal one of the easiest methods of payment and intend paying future Linux Voice subs through Paypal ,if possible
Paying for a GNU/Linux magazine by giving a third party direct access to your bank account information and personal data? What would Stallman say?
Well done on the successful kickstarter folks! Agreed on the swag, your newest human resource Mr Graham sent me some lovely Tux badges one year. Will there be any valentines flavoured tutorials for the new issue, my geek could power my romance for once?
I'm not a designer at all, there must be many readers out there who would like/can design a new logo for your magazine and website.
Is that in the pipe line sometime in the (near) future?
Hi Ed,
We're still on the first issue — would be a very early time to do a redesign 🙂 Plus I like the logo as it is…
I paid for the subscription thru Indiegogo campaign and was expecting the first issue to be delivered in Jan-2014. However, I didn't receive any.
The last email I received from Linux Voice guys was on Jan-16 asking for the name and email address.
Could you please update on the progress guys?
Thanks in advance
Hi Jiggy,
As the Indiegogo campaign said, the first issue was planned for release in February. We're still on track for that, finishing the very last bits of the magazine now, so it will be in your hands very soon! Keep an eye on the website for exact delivery dates (and when it will be on sale in shops). And thanks for supporting us!