Linux Voice is a new GNU/Linux and Free Software magazine, planned for launch in February. It’s from a team of long-time Linux journalists – Graham Morrison, Andrew Gregory, Mike Saunders and Ben Everard – all of who worked on Linux Format magazine for many years. Linux Voice will be the best Linux magazine you can get, and here’s why:

Our magazine will be different for three big reasons:

  • 50% of our profits will go back to the Free Software community
  • Our content will be freely licensed (CC-BY-SA) after nine months, for the community to share
  • We are making this magazine for Linux users, and not to satisfy shareholders

To launch the magazine, we have already raised over £127,000 on our Indiegogo campaign with over 2,000 subscribers. Now you can buy a print or (DRM-free!) digital subscription to Linux Voice and get all this:

  • 116 pages of the best quality Linux tutorials, features, reviews and interviews each issue
  • 100,000 words of awesome in-depth content every month, from the most experienced writers
  • Your opportunity to really get involved, shape the magazine, and decide where our profits go

Don’t miss out – click here for our online shop and buy a subscription today!