Issue 1 is (almost) agogo
|We’ve been hard at work on issue one, and it’s now at the printers. It will be in newsagents in the UK on 27th February, and worldwide soon after. Digital subscribers will get an email on the 27th explaining how to download the PDF version. Unfortunately, our American distributor hasn’t been able to get us into shops in the US from issue 1, so non-subscriber Americans will have to wait until issue 2.
There’s loads of great stuff to look forward to in this issue. We’ll be looking at the 51 greatest things about free software, seeing how coding was done in ye olde times, brewing beer with a Raspberry Pi, escaping the clutches of Google Docs with Own Cloud, and so much more. We’ll keep you updates as things progress,
Will digital versions be available on the 28th too?
Yes, everyone will be emailed with information on how to access the digital version.
What about those of us who backed a digital subscription in the campaign?
On the 27th you’ll get an email telling you how to access the digital edition. Thanks!
A big thank you to the LV team, got my print issue this morning and its been worth the wait. Looking very slick and as professional as that other magazine not to be named. Looking forward to a long and enjoyable relationship with the newest Linux / OS software magazine on the shelves.
Keep up the good work guys and all the best for the coming months I know its been hard work so far but I’m sure you’ll have the success you deserve.
The article on the journey so far was brill, you were not the only ones on the edge of your seats and biting fingernails wishing it to succeed.
Why do digital subscribers have to wait? If you’ve printed it then the artwork/PDF should be ready to go to us.
Paul, we expected the UK print subscribers to get their copies two days before the official on-sale date. So instead of having to tell everyone several different dates, we decided to set that on-sale date (27th of February) as the main one, and launch the digital edition then, so everyone was in sync.
Our distributor sent out the UK print copies earlier than we expected, so I understand your frustration. Sorry and thanks for your patience. We’ll try to make it clearer and simpler for next issue.
It dropped through the letter box, via Royal Mail, and it is already an old friend. Thanks guys for the very hard work which has obviously gone its production.
Just up to page 25 and looking forward to the March edition to arrive!
Why do American non subscribers have to wait until issue two? How about offering a way to purchase individual issues through Linux Voice? That would eliminate the problem with the American distributor and allow anyone to buy back issues.
We will!
If all goes to plan, we’ll add the ability to buy single issues through the linux voice shop at the same time it goes on sale in news agents in the UK (i.e. 27th Feb).
Hello, I’am a “digital” subscriber of Linux Voice. I’m from Italy, sorry for my english…
I have a problem when i try to decompress the source file of the tutorials (“lv001_tutorial_code.tar.gz”). I tried in Windows with 7z and gzip for Windows, on a Synology box, and on Debian (Squeeze) box, without success… What I’am doing wrong ?
Thank you!
nice Work, many information.
Thank you for your work.
Greetings from Germany
Just wondering whether any issues will be available at newsagents in Sydney? Can I request individual issues? It’s difficult to get any linux mags in my local area, just wondering how to organise to get copies preferably with the DVDs if you’re producing those as well? I’m guessing that some suburbs are more likely to have copies than others… Who does the distribution in Australia?
Congratulations on the first issue chaps!
I’ll be buying a copy once it hits the shops. Looking forward to reading about BrewPi. 🙂
My copy of issue 1 turned up at the weekend. A fantastic, content heavy read, and very professionally put togther. Feels like a new community is born, and very much looking forward to more. Also nice to see my name in the thank you pages!
Help please, I signed up for a digital subs on Dec 10, but have not received my access code for digital version as of 4/3/14.
Anyone know when Issue 2 is hitting the UK shops? I’m sure it said somewhere in the first issue, but I can’t see it. It would be good to put this somewhere obvious in future (no pun intended) issues, as in a different magazine I buy, I never know when it is due to be published. It seems that if a prospective buyer knows when the item is going to be availible, they are more likely to buy it 🙂
Nice mag, shame about the error in the Arch Linux installation guide on page 92 for getting the USB device…
sudo tail -f /varlog/syslog | grep sad
grepping for sad? (Should be sd) Or may be that a filtering system to stop newbies in their tracks 😉
Oops, what’s that saying about people in living in glass houses not throwing stones?
/varlog/ !?! :blush:
Hi Guys
Great looking magazine, looking forward to issue 2, will you be reviewing the Raspberry Pi rival the Matrix by TBS as I’m thinking of getting one as the spec looks very good.
Keep up the good work
Available in East Gosford NSW.
The distributors are Gordon and Gotch(?), who are Monday to Friday only.
8GB is too much to download and would take several hours for me.
Ron Petch