Monday, Monday
|Mondays are normally rubbish, right? The weekend is over, you have to go back to work…
Well, not this upcoming Monday. It’ll be different. And it might just be worth keeping an eye on this website…
Mondays are normally rubbish, right? The weekend is over, you have to go back to work…
Well, not this upcoming Monday. It’ll be different. And it might just be worth keeping an eye on this website…
Pink Ponies will finally run on MikeOS? Can't imagine a more important subject for a press release than this.
Well over in the other thread, Andrew said to proceed with speculation. Here goes mine.
I'm hoping the announcement involves Andrew persuading Mike that the trade-off of German/Austrian beer for British humor was a mistake and that Mike repatriates to rejoin forces with the immortal refugees from the Future Pubs unnatural disaster (Graham, Ben & Andrew) along with the good Rev. Jon Roberts to lead us confused masses fleeing the fragmentation of Linux Desktop Distros and the 'look but don't touch' open source of Android towards FOSS nirvana (and world domination) via the founding of a podcasting and publication empire, appropriately named, Pink Pony Pubs.
If that fails as a business plan, Pink Pony Pubs could always fall back on selling beer.
That's just my guess mind you, for all I know they'll announce that the whole lot of them have been forced to accept employment with Microsoft or GCHQ in order to pay the bills 🙁
Finally a whole episode recorded in German. Or something with Pink Ponies.
Or how about a translation of Pink Ponies into German? "Rose Kleinpferde" has a good ring to it, doesn't it?
The launch of a new magazine: Linux Re-Formatted