Fargo: write and publish outlines in open formats
|Turn the web upside down with this text outliner – without installing a single piece of software.
Why do this?
- Prepare yourself for the open, distributed web of tomorrow, in an easy and fun way.
- Publish a nice-looking personal blog for free, in five minutes, without installing anything.
- Get familiar with OPML. You may need it again some day. Trust us.
What looks just like very well structured text, automatically becomes a simple blog, complete with Disqus comments, with just a few clicks.
When you look at it closely, much written text has the same basic structure. Newspaper articles, philosophy essays, novel summaries, courseware, recipes… are all outlines – that is, hierarchical trees of topics and sub topics. If this is true, the more a software editor takes it into account, the more efficient it is, right?
Fargo is an outliner – that is a text editor designed to handle outlines in the most efficient way. Any outliner program provides tools to quickly navigate the elements of an outline and rearrange them at will, with the smallest possible effort. Above all, outliners can instantly hide certain levels or branches of an outline, so that at any moment you only see the exact amount of content and level of detail that you want to see.
Outliners are nothing new. In fact, the real value of Fargo is not in what it does, but in how and where it does it. This tutorial explains how Fargo works and how to use it, mainly from the point of view of a Linux user who would like to integrate it with their other online and desktop activities.
Now, the Fargo user interface is deceptively simple. It’s easy to find the menus and buttons that perform an action, but to work with this tool (rather than against it) you must first understand the Fargo philosophy and what it does under the hood. We may even say that assimilating where the hood is is the hardest part here. Consequently, we will devote more space to explaining what Fargo provides, and how, than to explain how to actually use single menus or panels.
There are three points that were the origin, and still are at the core, of the Fargo proposal. The first is the observation that modern JavaScript-capable browsers are very powerful and run on hardware, even including mobile devices, much more powerful than 10 or even just five years ago. No question about that, but the other points deserve more reflection.
Fargo also works on the assumption that today “the cloud is ubiquitous and reliable” (not to mention, we may add, affordable). Residents in rural areas of Western countries, plus almost everybody else, may disagree on this. The final point is about lock in and… let’s discuss it at the end of the tutorial.
Fargo architecture and requirements
Installing Fargo is really simple: there is nothing to install! The only requirements are a browser that can handle JavaScript and HTML5 and a Dropbox account. Log in to Dropbox, point your browser to http://fargo.io and accept the request to let the Fargo app work in a dedicated subfolder of your account. If you don’t see that request, it is because you’ve already been there. Tell your browser to erase all the cookies from the fargo.io domain and reload.
Thirty seconds later, you will be able to start writing outlines and publishing them online using an interface, and with a final result, already close to what you could get at Tumblr.com orWordPress.com, but without the lock-in.
This happens because, while Fargo is a static JavaScript app that runs entirely in the browser of your own computer or smartphone, it behaves as if it were a traditional CMS engine and produces the same results: you can always write and archive outlines in the same way from any device and location. From the viewer’s point of view it’s the same too: everybody can access all the outlines that you made public as if they were a traditional website. Fargo can also generate static HTML versions of your outlines and upload them to a web server whenever you want.
This is why Fargo has the potential to turn the web upside down. The current model of web self publishing and working “in the cloud” is based on central CMS servers doing all the really heavy work, from database queries to page rendering, for many thousands of authors and visitors simultaneously. This architecture demands servers and data centres with very high costs and environmental impacts.
In the Fargo model, as much as possible is decentralised. Only sensible data such as passwords are stored in your device. Raw outlines are still stored on servers; that is, in a private folder of your Dropbox account, but all the processing happens in the browsers that run Fargo, or in those that display its static HTML pages.
For authors, Fargo has another big advantage on server-based publishing systems like WordPress: since all the CMS logic runs in a browser, it can have a much more flexible and responsive interface, and provide a structure that naturally matches the structure of most writing.
Structure of Fargo content
At the low level, each Fargo outline is a separate OPML file stored in your Dropbox account (see the OPML box below to understand what OPML is, and why it is great regardless of Fargo). Using Dropbox as filesystem also provides automated backups and versioning for free, even if you still have to backup everything outside Dropbox regularly.
The single elements of each outline, which can be nested at will, are called headlines (or even summits, if at the top level). We would have preferred terms like node or paragraph, because each Fargo headline can be as long as you want, and each time you press Enter, you create a new one, but headline it is.
Besides its unique position in the hierarchy, which of course you can change as you want, each headline can have attributes like identification code, creation date or author-defined data, or be commented out. In the latter case, the headline will remain in the OPML file, but out of sight, and it will never be included in the HTML versions. We will explain how to comment or assign attributes in a moment.
All your Dropbox files are private, until you ask Fargo to create public, but read-only links to them. An outline can even embed content from external websites, if you pass them to Fargo with the browser Bookmarklet linked from the right bar.
When an outline grows unwieldy, you can archive all its headlines that you don’t need to edit anymore, and still make them show up (and render) in the outline. To do that, you have to archive those headlines as “includes”. Do do this, place the cursor on them, select File > Archive Cursor, and they will be moved to the archive sub-folder of your Fargo folder in Dropbox.
We see two very important things here: first, text written in Fargo looks very clean and easy on one’s eyes. Second, that all your works remain available in open source formats.
Images and interactive content? Of course!
In case you were worrying that a system optimised for outlines doesn’t support anything but static text, relax! You can tell Fargo to keep an eye on a Dropbox subfolder for generic media (images, audio, PDFs, whatever). Then, any time you upload something there, Fargo will notice it and give you a URL for it in a pop-up window. You can add as much interactivity as you want to your Fargo outlines… as long as you write it in JavaScript, as Fargo itself. In general, the developers have already started to think about JavaScript “verbs” for Fargo that would make such tasks easier. See http://docs.fargo.io/fargoScripting/ for details.
You can already add snippets of JavaScript to a headline (including calls to internal Fargo functions) and run them by pressing Ctrl+/. It is also possible to run some JavaScript code automatically, every time you reload Fargo or publish an outline.
The Fargo user interface
The first thing you want to do in your Fargo outliner is click on ‘Cribsheet’ in the right sidebar, to get a cheatsheet with all the main commands. Next, you should take a look at the many resources in the Docs top menu. Just remember that whenever those pages say “Cmd”, (as in the Command key on OS X) what they mean on Linux is the Control key.
Now, let’s talk configuration. To access the Fargo configuration tabs, click on your name in the top-right corner of the browser window and select “Settings”. Besides a multimedia folder here, you can set a password to encrypt all your private outlines, the autosave behaviour and your contact information (profile page, email, Twitter and Facebook accounts). In the same place, you can define separate CSS styles for each level of your outlines, or a background image.
Fargo can handle multiple outlines simultaneously, each in a different tab. The editor marks each headline with a wedge on the left, which will be black if there is unexpanded test underneath it, or grey otherwise. The actual content of a headline can be formatted with HTML or Markdown syntax.
Setting the standard attributes of a headline, or giving it custom ones, is easy: select the headline, click on the suitcase icon (or select Outliner > Edit Attributes) and enter the attribute name on the left and its value on the right. Click on the + button if you also need to add custom attributes, and repeat. Headlines can also be individually commented by pressing Ctrl+. When you do that, their wedges will become chevrons. To uncomment them, press Cmd+ again.
Working with Fargo
Looking at Fargo as just an editor, its two main features are the ‘Outliner’ and ‘Reorg’ top menus. The first is used to control how much you see of the current outline and toggle between Non-Render and Render mode: use the first mode to write or edit raw markup inside an outline, and the other to see what the results looks like.
As the name suggests, the ‘Reorg’ menu helps to reorganise your writings. The entries to move one or more headlines up or down the outline they are in, or to change their indentation levels, are all there.
The main functions found in both those top menus are also available in ‘Pad’ format, to work faster on touchscreen devices. The Fargo ‘Arrow Pad’ (Outliner > Show Arrow Pad) has two buttons, one to collapse or expand parts of the hierarchy, and the other to toggle Navigate and Reorg mode. Depending on the mode the four arrow icons in the pad will let you move headlines around, or navigate from one to another.
On devices with real keyboards, you can use shortcuts for almost all menu entries. Tab and Shift+Tab, for example, increase and decrease the indentation level of a headline. Remember that in Fargo pressing the Enter key does not enter a newline, or split the current text in two. It just add one more empty headline below the current one, regardless of where the cursor was when you typed.
Once you have acquired familiarity with the outline-oriented interface of Fargo, you will also be able to use it to build a public, simple blog. The post shown in the image above-left was created in four main steps (the extra, really simple details are all at http://fargo.io/docs/blogging/firstPost.html):
Create a new outline (File > New).
Give it a name (File > Name Outline), let’s say ‘golinuxvoice’.
Write some content in the usual way.
When you are done, put the cursor on the top headline, and click the Eye icon in the left bar.
The last action will create a new subdomain, golinuxvoice.smallpict.com (Small Pict is the company that develops Fargo). All visitors of that domain will be transparently redirected to static HTML copies, organised like a blog, of all the posts that you add to that named outline. The documentation also explain how to add WordPress-like categories or generate RSS feeds.
If you plan to use Fargo just for private outlines, but occasionally want to share one of them with others, in read-only mode, select File > View In Reader: this will produce a public URL of your outline that you can distribute to your friends, students or colleagues.
Desktop integration and automation
What you have learned so far is enough to make most aspiring authors of outliners and personal blogs happy, but we Linux users are more demanding than the average bear.
Writing outlines and optionally publishing them online with Fargo is easy and efficient, but could we do more? For example, would it be possible to reuse Fargo content in other publishing systems, with as little manual work as possible?
Or what about writing outlines locally (even when there is no connectivity), and uploading them automatically when you connect to the internet?
The first activity – re-use – is pretty easy. Set up the Linux client for Dropbox to automatically copy all the raw outlines onto your computer in OPML format, then play with tools like Pandoc to convert them to other formats, as in these two examples:
#> pandoc -f opml -t html outline.opml > outline.html
#> pandoc -f opml -t markdown outline.opml > outline.md
In other words, it’s easy to avoid being locked into Fargo as an outline-based editor.
The reverse path – that is, generating OPML outlines on your computer and using them in Fargo – is not possible yet. Not directly, at least. If you put OPML files in your Fargo folder at Dropbox.com nothing will happen. The only available workaround so far seems to be uploading those files somewhere else, and then to tell Fargo to include them. This location can even be another subfolder of your Dropbox account, as long as you share it to get a publicly accessible URL usable by Fargo.
This is where all your raw content, obviously in open formats, ends up in Fargo: inside dedicated folders and subfolders of the Fargo app space of your Dropbox account.
Control, and alternatives
All this finally leads us back to the final basic point of Fargo, the one that we only hinted at in the beginning, and to the future developments of this technology.
One of the official announcements of Fargo proudly points out that using it “you have a lot more freedom about where you host your website”. In reality, as you should have already noticed, things are quite different from that, at least now and for average users.
On one hand, you have to have a Dropbox account and let them “see” your private documents, which is not all that comfortable in this post-Snowden era. On the other, if you want to use Fargo for blogging, your online presence will only be as stable as the smallpict.com domain name, and the willingness of its owners to let you use it for free.
Wouldn’t be great if all the servers Fargo needed were a Raspberry Pi under your desk, and it could use any domain name of your choice?
Truth be told, Dave Winer and the other developers of Fargo do see all the limitations, and are more than willing to overcome them. In fact, we already have some alternatives today, and a road ahead to solve the problem for good.
The already existing, but radical solution to the problem just mentioned is to not use Fargo. If you think about it, a desktop-based outline editor coupled with a static blog engine like Mynt or Jekyll already provides most of what you may get from Fargo. Especially on Linux, which gives you the ability to couple it with the right set of shell scripts.
At the same time, it is hard to beat the ease of use and device independence of Fargo. And the companion free software of Fargo called Fargo Publisher (https://github.com/scripting/fargoPublisher) can already transfer HTML versions of Fargo outlines to any server of your choice, solving the domain name problem for good. The process is quite complex, but Chris Dadswell, who is already using it, made a great job of documenting all the steps at http://scriven.chrisdadswell.co.uk/articles/howtofargoselfpublishingstorageoptions.html and http://scriven.chrisdadswell.co.uk/articles/howToSelfPublishingFargoBlog.html.
The Dropbox dependency remains, but with any luck we’ll also get over it. Stay tuned for another tutorial when that day comes!