Podcast Season 3 Episode 16
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Oktoberfest
In this episode: Snowballs have been seen in Hell. There are more than 1,500 Linux games on Steam. The Italian military installs LibreOffice and Volkswagen becomes a case study for the use of the DMCA and proprietary software. We’ve got some ace finds, Voice of the Masses and the return of One More Thing!
What’s in the show:
- News:
Take a deep breath. Microsoft has created its own Linux distribution. There are now over 1,500 games available for Linux on Steam. Google and the French regulator are arguing over regulations that govern the geographical extent of the Right To Be Forgotten. The Italian military is using LibreOffice on 150,000 computers. Wikipedia has launched its own mapping service. And Volkswagen’s vehicular software was patched to game emission tests. The restrictions in the DMCA means software like this can’t be independently audited.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- <Stilvoid> I just Found that my until-recently-fairly-good usb mic is now, for want of a better word, buggered
- <zmoylan-pi> I suppose my find is generic; I learn more about linux when it doesn’t work out of the box that when it does… :-)/li>
- Graham:
- Upgrade ncurses at your peril.
- Debian Almquist Shell, dash, is a useful minimal shell if you need a simple binary without dependencies.
- Alien: Isolation is still awesome, and it’s definitely coming to Linux.
- Andrew:
- Keep invoices in your download folder. It will be fine.
- gImageReader and
tesseract-ocr (optical character recognition). Thanks Kevin! - Watch for changes in a file and run a script when it’s updated:
while inotifywait -e delete_self myscript.py; do ./myscript.py; done
- Paul Mason’s piece in the Guardian.
- Mike:
- The Ministry of Freedom hardware emporium.
- Ben:
- We should have package managers that roll back updates.
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Vocalise Your Neurons:
Get in touch with Mike (mike@linuxvoice.com) if you’d like your neurons vocalised next episode.
Huge thanks to Christie Isaac for the outro music. It’s called ‘The Garden‘. Christie writes, records mixes and masters his music on Linux, “because it works for me, instead of against me,” he told us. For more of Christie’s music, head over to http://www.christieisaac.co.uk.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (50MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (70MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (19 MB)
Duration: 56:36
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
I am disappointed that the title image isn’t Mike in his pyjama lederhosen. Otherwise, a brilliant podcast as always 😀
Thanks for the great podcast as always Guys.
I agree, thanks for the podcast.
As a response to the voice of the masses part, I’ll share my linux story. My first distro was Ubuntu 8.04, it came from my electronics teacher, and being the wise young man I was, I popped it into my mom’s computer, used the live cd feature, and accidentally installed it over years and years of photos she had (I was 14 at the time). From that moment, I was hooked. I installed it on my own computer after learning how to get it to boot up (it was an old pentium 2 Dell computer). But my obsession was not over, it was then on to Open Suse and loads of other distros that i can’t begin to recall. Years of experimentation went by and I now use mint linux with gnome 3, because i’m lame like that, to do professional web development, and I have Ubuntu on my media machine and Ubuntu Server on my server pc. I can only say this, innovation doesn’t come from satisfying a small curiosity and doing nothing with it. When I first fired up linux, it was sheer amazement as I looked on to the user interface and the computer that had completely transformed into a crazy fast workhorse that kept me exploring and looking forward to the next awesome new piece of software, or next big distro, or neat new hardwares. Still to this day the community and all of the awesome goings on amaze me. And I’m a proud listener to Linux Voice, and was a proud listener to Linux Outlaws. I look forward to the next podcast, and thank you… THANK YOU for being such a huge help keeping me going. I love this community that I am part of.