Voice of the Masses: What cool stuff are you doing with your Pi?

It seems that everyone and his dog has a Raspberry Pi now. In fact, many of us have a few of them doing various tasks. So as we gear up to record our next podcast, we want to hear from you: what funky things are you doing with your Pi(s)? Maybe you’ve been inspired by Ben’s tutorials in the magazine and made face-tracking dart-shooting robots, or perhaps you’ve hooked together 50 Pis into a giant Beowulf cluster to work out what’s going on over at Tabby’s Star.

Or maybe you don’t have a Pi at all, you don’t get what the fuss is all about, and you want to have a big rant about them! Whatever the case, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and we’ll read out the best in our next Linuxtastic FOSS-filled podcast.