Podcast Season 4 Episode 14
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Let’s go to Mars
In this episode: We have neurons! Plus, Lenovo breaks its own computers. Vim has been released and there are over 10 million Raspberry Pis.
What’s in the show:
- News:
Some Lenovo ultrabooks won’t run Linux, even if you ask them to. Vim 8 has been released. 500 million Yahoo accounts have been breached. The Libreboot project has attempted to distance itself from GNU. Both the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Let’s Encrypt have passed the 10,000,000 users threshold.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- A selection of from from our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode.
- Andrew:
- Parliament WikiEdits, on Twitter, keeps track of all Wikipedia edits made from Parliamentary IP addresses.
- Ben:
- The ProxyCommand SSH flag lets you jump through servers.
- Graham:
- A recording of Alan Turing’s first example of generated computer music has been restored.
- Turn three dimensional point clouds into polygons with CloudCompare.
- Mike:
- There’s an Amiga-like distribution for the Raspberry Pi called Amibian.
- Vocalise your Neurons:
Huge thanks to Jonas and Duncan for their thoughts. If you want Mike to read out your neurons next time, email your thoughts to mike@linuxvoice.com.
- Voice of the Masses:
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (53MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (74MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (21MB)
Duration: 1:02:16
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Just something I learnt from Reddit about the Lenovo driver thing:
I didn’t realise that Windows doesn’t have in-built RAID drivers, instead allowing the proprietary RAID drivers to be loaded up if it detects a ‘RAID’ device (though from what I understand there isn’t this clear division between software and hardware RAID nowadays).
So in order to force Windows to load a specific driver, Lenovo had locked the SSD into ‘RAID’ mode, which prompts Windows to load a proprietary driver.
This is an Intel driver which has nothing to do with RAID, but allows for better power management than the generic AHCI driver which Windows would normally have used.
So it’s really a hack within a hack. One to pretend the drive is RAID so that Windows loads the right driver, and another to lock the drive to RAID so that Windows can’t load the wrong driver.
You must think there are better ways of doing this.
And BTW, Lenovo’s Thinkpad brand of laptops are fairly separate from their other lines. They are just as tough and just as good at running linux as the IBM Thinkpads of yore.
Now to carry on listening…!
Ok, gotta stop commenting at everything…
I use neovim (though think you can use recent versions of vim too) with the statistical software ‘R’. It can launch R in another view and send single commands across to the R console, which is very useful and saves having to copy and paste across!
Ha ha! Thanks for reading out my neuron. Of course after years of listening to Mike sounding sad that there were no neurons, I had to send it in when you receive a bumper crop 🙂 Ok, I’m going to be quiet now as clearly talking too much.
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Thanks for the mention but what I do seems lame against most of the others
I’ve been listening to old podcasts. How about guest appearances by Effy, John and Nick?