Podcast Season 4 Episode 16
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Ciber Cyder
In this episode: Linux Voice has merged with Linux Magazine, Linux is wildly insecure, Ubuntu is 12 and open source online doc editing is here.
What’s in the show:
- News:
Linux Voice has merged with Linux Magazine. Linux is wildly insecure. Ubuntu is now 12 years old and Collabora Online Development Edition now includes collaborative editing.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- A selection of find from from our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode.
- Graham:
- Power up your command line with powerline.
- Attract-Mode is a great emulator frontend.
- Ben:
- Your tonsils aren’t the dangly bit at the back of your mouth (that’s
your uvula): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsil - Linux Against Humanity: https://github.com/BryanLunduke/LinuxAgainstHumanity
- jq is sed for JSON
- Your tonsils aren’t the dangly bit at the back of your mouth (that’s
- Andrew:
- The computers at the local job club have OpenOffice.org installed on them.
- Vocalise your Neurons:
If you want Mike to read out your neurons next time, email your thoughts to mike@linuxvoice.com.
- Voice of the Minorities:
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and not Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (43MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (58MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (17MB)
Duration: 49:08
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Sad about one less Linux magazine in the newsagents stand but glad we can still get great content from you all. Do you think you could do some kind of postmortem of Linux Voice? I know I’d be interested to hear how things went just after the funding, if pricing was higher/lower than expected and what shipment numbers were like. Obviously they were too low but was it close to breaking even or a couple of orders of magnitude out. Was that first year of open source money actually from profits or out of your own pockets?
Not expecting answer to all of this (or any really), just thought it would make some interesting content.
Thanks for all your hard work, producing an awesome magazine and good luck at your new home. Looking forward to picking up a copy 🙂
I think it was pretty telling that adverts were extremely rare in the magazine. I’m willing to bet that advertising revenue featured strongly in the business plan and it fell well below what was expected.
Hi Guys, haven’t made it through your podcast yet (at home on Pat leave – and the wife won’t tolerate it sadly!). Anyway, just wanted to say that I’m enjoying this months print edition – enjoyed the VIM8 article (but I’m still using neovim), NoSQL, and also very much enjoyed some of ‘other’ section – particularly the GregKH interview.
Also – I have installed powerline (which doesn’t work with neovim -argh! airline – seems to do the job for neovim though). Now when I edit my R scripts in nvim, I look properly l33t.
Cheers dm319. How are you getting on with Neovim? Do you think it will continue now that Vim 8 has a lot of the features the Neovim guys originally talked about?
Ha ha, well I blame this very podcast for causing me to go down a rabbit hole! Graham’s suggestion about powerline – that only seems to work with vim, not neovim – but a particular plugin I use (n/vim-r-plugin) seems to work best with neovim (I can use vim in one buffer and R in the other, whereas with vim8 I need to use tmux, and I just can’t get it to work…). So now I have vim8, neovim, vim-r-plugin, powerline and airline all installed. Oh well. Still using neovim.
Hello all,
Collabora is a great name, in italian means “work with” and it has the same root of the english worl “collaboration”. And I think they had in mind people that can work together when they named this tool.
Great podcast,
Thank you for you work!
Just listened to this podcast – very much enjoyed it. Totally agree that ubuntu, for all the attacks on it, has turned out to be such a force for good in linux. I think their willingness to accept other flavours (such as the excellent ubuntu-mate) into their fold is a very mature position. Ubuntu brings lots of benefits apart from the desktop interface – the access to repos/PPAs, backporting to the kernel etc..
Re: insurance – don’t you think all insurance is a bit creepy and judgemental? That seems to be how they work. They judge you based on your job, where you live, what you drive and what sports you do in your spare time…
Re: laptops – defintely thinkpads FTW! They are toughest laptops out there (bar panasonic and dell toughbooks), the keyboards are way nicer than macbook pros, they are easily upgradeable (except for some slim models) and the trackpoint is great. Can I suggest the Thinkpad X230 with IPS screen. You can upgrade the RAM yourself to 16Gb, put in an SSD drive, and get a new lenovo battery. It has an incredible keyboard. I also have the T450s, which is a more modern machine and comes with a 1080p IPS display.