A word from the trenches
|Just a quick update from Linux Voice HQ: we’re all as busy as a particularly diligent swarm of bees, making sure issue 1 of the magazine will be jam-packed with all things Linux and Free Software. We’re writing in-depth features and tutorials, zipping around Europe to do interviews, working on a new website and doing everything possible to make issue 1 a storming success. All being well, the mag will arrive at the end of February as planned.
Meanwhile, say hello to Linux Voice’s new Art Editor, Stacey Black:

Stacey has been crafting lovely pages for computer magazines for 7 years, and handles even our geekiest topics with aplomb. She hails from mighty South Shields and has recently been playing around with Fedora. Maybe we can convince her to join the podcast at some point…
And finally: Mike and Andrew will be attending FOSDEM in Brussels this weekend. We’ll be there on Saturday, perusing the stalls and doing a few interviews, so if you spot us and fancy a natter (Finds of the Fortnight for our podcast are always welcome), say hello!
A new website? A replacement for this one or a new one additionally?
Also, I'm happy to see that the team is growing! Looking forward to see the Linux Voice art. A new voice in the podcast would be great as well!
A replacement for this one. The current site has done its job well, but we have bigger plans: a subscriber area, forums and so forth. And a place to get the CC-BY-SA articles when they arrive. Ben's doing some awesome work on it, so stay tuned!
Welcome Stacey! Your bullet-proof Joe 90 specs will be a welcome addition to the team. And yes, do join the podcast if you can – we need more women!
I recall a TR podcast last year in which Andrew remarked that all the best and brightest designers that he met had thick rimmed glasses. Stacey sounds like a promising addition to the team, welcome aboard.
Hi all
You've got to persuade Stacey to join the podcast. Not enough geeks of the fairer sex voice their opinions on all things Linux. Always nice to view things from a different angle. Only a female can truly put a multi-tasking operating system through its paces. Everybody knows us dudes can only do one thing at once.
Welcome Stacey.
Did nobody read what Mike wrote? She's from South Shields, her spoken English is barely comprehensible. Sorry, it's just noise.
But Andrew – you should be familiar with this accent if you have spent time in the Head of Steam…..! Welcome Stacey!
Hello Stacey.
I challenge Stacey to either grow a beard or switch to Linux. Her choice.
Welcome Stacey! Please do join the podcast if you can.
I'm going to second (third, fourth, whatever) the appeal to get Stacey to join the podcast team, but not necessarily to be the (token?) lass. No, I'm thinking more that a user's perspective would be very handy … and maybe it'd help keep the current podcasters under control! Doesn't have to be a regular, just the odd special visit would be fine.
Nowt wrong with the South Shields accent, it's that whatever-the-flip-that-is in the Hotels4U one that makes me reach for the "mute" button. Go the Linux way and value diversity!
Welcome, Stacey!
Please do join the podcast. You'll be a terrific addition.
Any news on the exact date I should be expecting the magazine to open my letterbox and say hello?
It should be with you towards the end of the month! Stay tuned for more detailed dates, and in which shops you can buy the mag. Thanks for supporting us!