About Linux Voice

NOTE: After issue 32, Linux Voice became part of Linux Magazine – see here for the full details.


Linux Voice was an independent GNU/Linux and Free Software magazine from the most experienced journalists in the business. It was different in three key ways:

  • 50% of our profits went back to the Free Software community, developers and events


  • Our content was freely licensed (CC-BY-SA) after nine months, for the community to share


  • We made this magazine for Linux users, and not to satisfy shareholders or middle managers

Linux Voice was originally funded by a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign that raised £127,000 from over 2,000 subscribers. Today we have over 3,000 subscribers across the globe.

Each month the magazine (in print and DRM-free digital formats) included 100 pages of in-depth tutorials, features, reviews and interviews — click here to see the contents of recent issues. We are a team with decades of experience in writing about Linux and FOSS:


Graham Morrison was the Editor of Linux Voice, and the former Editor of Linux Format magazine. A free software advocate and writer since the late 1990s, Graham is a lapsed KDE contributor and author of the Meeq MIDI step sequencer.
Andrew Gregory was the Deputy Editor of Linux Voice, and worked in the same role at Linux Format for many years. He dreams up many of the ideas that go into the magazine, and stops the rest of the team from spending too much time at the pub.
Mike Saunders has been using, hacking and writing about Linux since 1999, including over 150 issues of Linux Format. He’s a passionate Free Software developer (having spent many years leading the MikeOS project) and still plays Frontier.
Ben Everard was another former LXFer, and wrote a big chunk of the magazine. He’s is the co-author of Learning Python with the Raspberry Pi and hacks hardware projects held together with a big dollop of Linux and Free Software glue.


Linux Voice was available in many WHSmith, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, McColl’s and Martin’s stores in the UK, along with Easons in Ireland. You could find it in Barnes and Noble in the USA, and many independent stores around the world. And what do our readers think about the magazine? Let’s let them speak:

“Best balance of content by far, packed with stuff, excellent writers, supports FOSS, and loads more”
Huw Taylor on Twitter

“Thanks guys, for producing totally enjoyable, informative podcasts and a great magazine. I love the concept! I wish you all the best.”
Barbara on Linux Voice forums

“Your hard work is evident; the magazine is saturated with good stuff, and you’ve scrimped on the fluff that other magazines use just to fill up the pages. Congratulations guys, you deserve all the praise you are getting”
saif on linuxvoice.com

“@LinuxVoice Thank you for the best IT mag I have ever read! Keep up the sterling work!”
Sid J on Twitter

“So glad I’ve discovered your magazine. Taught me a great deal of stuff in only two issues… so time to buy subscription!”
Andrew E (on subscription order)

“Big shout out to @LinuxVoice guys, great service, great magazine.”
Neil Grogan on Twitter

“@LinuxVoice ~ The new magazine is brilliant! I’m really enjoying it.”
Mark_Luker on Twitter

“@LinuxVoice Great job; I’m very pleased with the variety and the depth. Congratulations!”
jebcom on Twitter

“You guys rock, I love the podcast. This is the first Linux magazine I have found I really want to read every month.”
David H (on subscription order)

“Fantastic issue #1, far exceeded my expectations for a first release! Congratulations to the whole team, you’ve done an amazing job.”
California Penguin on linuxvoice.com

“I like the way you guys give attention to the community and the people in it.”
Triantares on linuxvoice.com

“It’s a barnstorming first issue. It’s polished, entertaining and informative, as you’d expect.”
Gavin Lewis on Techbeast.net

“Thank you for a terrific magazine […] There is so much interesting stuff here that I think it’ll take me a long while to really absorb it all. I particularly like brewpi, pgp, vim, bash and Philip’s den, as well as the celebrity appearances of Nick Veitch and Jonathan Roberts – can you persuade them to continue? Great stuff!”
Duncan Murray on linuxvoice.com

“Thanks for the wonderful magazine. Linux Voice was my first Linux magazine. I had a choice between 5 and I am glad I picked yours. I look forward to your next issue.”
William Kennedy, by email

“Spending my Sunday morning drinking coffee and reading @LinuxVoice the best #linux magazine out there”
tsevdos on Twitter

“A big thank you to the LV team, got my print issue this morning and its been worth the wait. Looking very slick and as professional as that other magazine not to be named. Looking forward to a long and enjoyable relationship with the newest Linux / OS software magazine on the shelves.”
Tony Hughes on linuxvoice.com

“Loving the mag. Great real world code examples… brilliant.”
Felim Whiteley, by email

“It dropped through the letter box, via Royal Mail, and it is already an old friend. Thanks guys for the very hard work which has obviously gone its production.”
Tony Hughes on linuxvoice.com

“Reading issue 1 of #linuxvoice ada lovelace article is fascinating. @LinuxVoice congrats on a great mag”
aptnetltd on Twitter

“I’ve been listening to the podcast and liked it so much that I had to purchase a subscription. Thanks for all of the great work and for supporting the open source community.”
Jason T (on subs order)

“Just wanted to say congratulations and many thanks on getting the magazine out. I’ve been eagerly awaiting it since the campaign started, and really support your plans regarding giving back to the OSS community. So I was ecstatic when the first issue arrived yesterday. I’ve been reading through and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially like having the PDF to keep on my tablet and laptop for reference.”
Matt on Linux Voice Forums

“Top Mag & fantastic effort. I’ve just read your mag from cover to cover & as far as I’m concerned, you’ve nailed it on the first issue.”
Mork on Linux Voice Forums

“Got mine yesterday. Its all true! My neural network has been enhanced and they are giving away precious nuggets of green. Brilliant.”
John on linuxvoice.com

“After two days with @LinuxVoice I am a happy nerd. Have not felt the same about a magazine since… what? Pre internet! <3″
@emomilol on Twitter



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