Buy a Christmas gift subscription!

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting a tad portly, and most of us are scratching our heads for gift ideas. What do you buy the geek in your life who has everything? Well, there’s always room for more socks, but a better gift idea is a Linux Voice subscription. Whether digital or print, a Linux Voice sub will provide your friends or family with a long-lasting supply of in-depth tutorials, top-notch features and sprinklings of British wit.

To buy a gift subscription and take advantage of the special Indiegogo prices, purchase a subscription as usual, but email us afterwards (from the same email address you used to purchase it) and let us know where you want it to go. For digital, that’s the email address of the recipient, and for a print subscription, give us the postal address. Send the details to, and make someone very happy indeed!

Plus: next weekend we’ll put up a freely downloadable PDF Christmas card with a thanks from the team, so you’ve got something to give the geek in your life on the 25th December.


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