Giving profits back: where and how

Our plan to give 50% of our profits back to the community has got a lot of people talking. Everyone likes the idea, but some people are wondering how it’s going to work. It’s important to note that this plan isn’t just a short term gimmick — no, it’s a crucial part of what Linux Voice will be about over the years. A thriving Linux and Free Software community is good for all of us!

Now, we won’t have huge bags of cash to throw around at the start, so we want to do this carefully. Over the first 12 months of the magazine, we’ll give coverage to communities, projects, charities and events suggested by you, Linux Voice readers. Then, at the end of the year, readers will be able to vote on which groups we support, and where the 50% of our first-year profits go to.

Perhaps you’re a big fan of the FSF or EFF and want us to get behind them, or maybe there’s a certain Free Software application or meet-up that needs financial help. You might also know of groups trying to spread Free Software in the developing world that could do with our help. In any case, let us know your ideas in the comments below, and thanks again for supporting us!

(Oh and if this is the first time you’ve heard of Linux Voice, to make this all happen we’re crowd-funding: check out our Indiegogo page for the full low-down.)


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