Half-way there…
We’ve just gone past the £45,000 mark — half way towards our target. This is an amazing achievement, and it’s all thanks to you, the Free Software community. Whether you’re one of the 776 subscribers or one of the 101 founders (or indeed both!), we really appreciate it.
And we have so much more to come in the campaign: we’ll be talking about our plans to donate 50% of our profits to charity. We’ll be looking for new writers. We’ll have more podcasts, endorsements, updates and Twitter conversations. Stay tuned, keep spreading the good word, and thanks once again!
A quick search for amateur radio in wikipedia revealed that there are over 2 million ham radio operators in the first 10 countries listed.
I know that there are a lot of hams interested in Linux and building projects based on the Rasp Pi.
Have you looked into mining some support from the ham community? Maybe a column dedicated to linux in ham radio.
Have you been reading this magazine called Linux Format, in the past month?!!! There is a very interesting article on crowdfunding:
1. A specific goal……….tick
2. Frequent updates….tick
3. Perks…………………….tick
4. Videos…………………..tick
Well done….I am really looking forward to the new magazine.