Hello Linux Format and TuxRadar readers!

We are the majority of the former editorial team at Linux Format magazine: Andrew Gregory, Mike Saunders and Ben Everard. Together we have written thousands of pages over many years of the magazine, and we’ve loved serving the awesome Free Software community. You may also know us from the TuxRadar podcast, which we enjoyed doing over the years.

But recently we have all quit, because we want to make a better, more community-focused magazine. This magazine will be called Linux Voice, and it will be better in three key areas:

  • We will give 50% of our profits back to the community – that’s back to developers, events, LUGs and so forth
  • We will release our content under a Creative Commons license after 9 months, for the whole community to share, so that schools and LUGs can benefit
  • And we won’t have to deal with tiers of management making page cuts, reducing the quality of the magazine to fund other parts of the business and give dividends to shareholders. We’ll make the best magazine possible, and the only people that matter are the readers

To get started, we’re raising our needed funds on Indiegogo. You can buy a digital or print subscription now to bring us towards our target – but don’t worry, in the unlikely event that we don’t reach it, you’ll get your money back. So there’s no risk, and you can back Linux Voice and support the Free Software community today!

And of course, we’ll also be posting updates and new podcasts on this site, so keep watching…

Thanks for reading.


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