Issue 1
|Issue 1 is in newsagents in the UK now, and on its way around the world.
To get a feel for what’s in the issue, take a look at these sample articles: Brewing perfect beer with the Raspberry Pi and Mageia 4 Review.
If you like what you see, head to (single issues and subscriptions are available) or your local newsagents to grab your copy.
We’d like to thank everyone who supported the Indiegogo campaign that made Linux Voice possible. Without your help, this magazine wouldn’t exist.

Contents pages (click for PDF)
Click here to access the code described in the Ada Lovelace tutorial.
The DVD is now available via bittorrent. You can download it here.
This is what fills the 114 pages of issue 1
- News analysis
- Distrohopper
- Gaming on Linux
- Letters
- LUGs on tour
- FOSDEM 2014
- Mageia 4 review
- LibreOffice 4.2 review
- Lightworks Pro 11.5 review
- FreeBSD 10.0 review
- Google Nexus 5 Long term review
- Book reviews
- Group test: encryption software
- The 51 best things about free software
- Interview: Florian Effenberger
- What is Bitcoin?
- Linux Voice: The story so far
- FAQ: Wayland
- Sysadmin
- Cloudadmin
- FOSSpicks
- Keep emails secure with PGP
- Brew perfect beer with the Raspberry Pi
- Owncloud 6
- Ada Lovelace and the Analytical Engine
- Arch Linux: Build a flexible and powerful system
- Python: Build dynamic web pages
- Euclid’s Algorithm and recursion
- Solve word puzzles with Bash
- An introduction to VIM
- Firefox’s hidden features
- Founders page
- DVD pages
- /dev/random
What about digital single issues? Are they going to be available as well?
No, sorry. It wouldn’t work with our subscriber area — in a year’s time, someone could buy a single digital issue, then download the past 12 issues, and get effectively a one-year subscription for the price of one issue. It wouldn’t be fair on people who subscribe.
So instead we recommend people buy a digital subscription. At just £38 over 12 issues with 114 pages each, that works out at 2.8p a page — which should be worth it, when many pages have 700+ words 🙂
But we will look into selling single digital issues. We’ve just not been able to find an easy solution yet.
Just received mine in Canada, thanks!
Glad to see the LV team created this webpage and shared a couple of articles from LV #1, a lot of non-subscribers out where I live are very curious to get a peek inside the ‘new’ Linux magazine.
Is there any chance that the LV team could update this webpage to replace the TOC inline list with an image of the ‘Welcome’ page and the actual TOC from the LV issue?
The flat inline list in this webpage does not really do justice to the depth and breadth of the first issue IMHO. I’ve been munching on LV #1 during free moments for almost a week now and I estimate I’m still less then half way through the articles that interest me.
LV #1 is great! Congrats on the successful of launch of what looks to be a premier Linux/FLOSS publication.
Great idea, California Penguin — we’ve added the PDF of the contents pages now.
Thanks Mike!
Can you confirm which UK retailers will have stock? Supermarkets? WHSmiths?
ignore that, found the answer…
Grr… So what is the answer??
For issue 1 it should be WH Smiths (highstreet only not ‘travel’), Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and McColls. Though not all of any of them. For issue 2 I think we’re adding Tesco to the mix as well.
WH Smiths are doing a good job as well – I was just in my local branch yesterday; they’ve got them at eye-level in front of all the other magazines where it’s impossible to miss them. Just underneath is a large copy of the LV logo along with an explanation regarding future donations to FOSS projects etc.
The printed issue of this subscriber’s LV #1 landed in his mailbox in sunny California on March 5th.
Beat the average delivery time of my Linux Format subscription over the past years by at least a week.
I was distraught, distraught I say, when I found out that issue 1 was not going to be available in the US. I cant afford a sub yet so I was hoping to be able to pick it up off the stands. It’s looking good, and by the podcasts, I am sad to miss it.
issue 1 arrived today (mar 6) in central canada. really enjoyed. with Jonathan & Nick its a grand reunion. also new to me, Juliet & John. already can’t wait for issue 2!
A broad mix of quality content in the first issue for me – I’ve used Linux (Ubuntu) for the last 8 years, I’ve also a mix of Linux skills – so I found the first issue leaving me waiting with bated breath for the next one! Congratulations to all at Linux Voice, long may you prosper 😀
Which newsagents in Sydney, Australia are carrying it?
like the way this page is structured(especially the comments),think you
could do a tutorial on how you did it and put it in your mag?
Great magazine, enjoying issue 1.
On p89 it mentions that the full code for the sequential equation is available on your website but I cannae find it. Please can you point me in the correct direction, thanks.
Hi Colin,
You’ll find it here:
Can you tell me when the print edition is going to be available in Sydney? I don’t need it as I’m a PDF person, but I will spruik the printed version to my Twitter-folks and FB-bolks once it’s available.
BTW Lookin’ good so far, mates!!!
BTW Thanks too for a Capcha that is readable without having to go get a young person!!! :0)
I’ve just got issue 2. Did not about this magazine ‘Linux Voice’ so was not about to get
issue 1. Did try to down load it off your website, but torrent won’t open the files. Please use tar it’s much better to use.
I am using ‘Ubuntu Lucip 10.04’
Trouble is I’m having to use the try on my ‘Ubuntu’ disk, as I’m not using the full computer programs.
Having problems with my desktop (it’s not
working) but am hoping by using the ‘Kernel’ it may help me to solve my problem.
It would be nice to have a magazine like yours, that could write programs to help solve theres kind of problems.
I really love this magazine and look forward
to getting again.
Thank you for great magazine.
Verry interseting and helpfull.
sorry about any mistakes has I’m in a hurry.
Thanks again