Issue 1: Audio Edition (beta)

Fancy a challenge as epic as the 1981 BBC radio dramatisation of Lord of the Rings?

It’s not long now until our first issue will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licence, and one of the things we wanted to do was to make our content as accessible as possible.

In particular, we wanted to make audio recordings of whatever articles worked best when spoken months after publication. But this is a big task, so we thought, why not try asking the community?

All you need is a little time, a microphone and a copy of Audacity. Let us know in the comments which part(s) you’d like to record and let us know when they’re ready. Just record yourself speaking and export the file as Ogg Vorbis and/or MP3 (quality 4, variable bit rate, 80-120kbps are our settings). We’ve included Opus too, but we’re still not sure about demand for this great format.

We’ll record as much as we can (and we’ve already spent some time doing so – see below). But we’d also like to know whether you think this is worthwhile, and how best to present these recordings. Each feature seems to last around 25 minutes, so it’s good sense to make each available individually. But should we combine them all into a single file? Or tie them together with some RSS? Should we still include mp3, ogg and opus? Are we completely crazy?

UPDATE: If you’ve not got issue 01, email and we’ll send you a link.

Here’s a list of what’s in the issue, and what’s already recorded:

  • Welcome, News/Opinion, Letters, LUGS on tour, FOSDEM 2014
    mp3, ogg, opus 24:37 (recorded by Graham)
  • Group Test: Encryption
    mp3, ogg, opus 25:33 (recorded by Graham)
  • 51 Greatest things about free software 2014
    An epic eight pages recorded by IanW. Thanks Ian!
  • Interview: Florian Effenberger
    mp3, ogg, opus 12:02 (recorded by Graham)
  • Feature: Bitcoin
    mp3, ogg, opus 25:55 (recorded by Graham)
  • The story so far
    Mike has said he’ll record this.
  • FAQ: Wayland
    Mike has said he’ll record this.
  • Sysadmin
  • Cloud Admin
    IanW is doing this. Thanks Ian!
  • FOSSPicks
    Corbin is going to record this.
  • Tutorial: PGP
    Daniel has done this. Thanks Daniel!
  • Tutorial: BrewPi
    Mrmjburton is recording this one.
  • Tutorial: OwnCloud
    EponymousMe is going to give this a try.
  • Masterclass: Firefox
    Mr Mark Johnson has said he’ll record this.
  • Tutorial: The Analytical Engine
  • Masterclass: VIM
    And Mark Johnson did this as a free bonus. Thanks Mark!
  • Tutorial: Arch Linux
    Stilvoid is going to record this one. Thanks Stilvoid!
  • Coding: Build dynamic web pages
  • Coding: Euclid
    Stuart Langridge is going to try recording this one.
  • Coding: Grep
  • Thank you!
  • Dev random
    Joe Ressington has recorded this. Thanks Joe!

We’ve skipped over the news, distro updates, gaming and reviews as they’re a little out of date. Also, we think most of the tutorials won’t work particularly well when spoken, but if you disagree feel free to make a recording or let us know which you think may work.

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