Issue 7
|What’s the best Linux distro available right now? It’s a thorny question, but our intrepid band of reporters tackle it head on by investigating some of the best loved Linuxes and seeing how they compare.
It’s not all controversial flame-bait though. We also take a look at what you can expect in KDE 5, play with a brand new model B+ Pi (and try to break an old model B), reverse engineer a toy car, get to grips with UDP, learn how to get the most out of Bash and more. There’s far too much in the 115 pages of Linux joy to mention here, so click on the image below to see the full contents spread.
Issue 7 is making its way to subscribers around the world now, and has just hit newsstands in the UK (WHSmith high street and travel stores, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, McColls/Martin’s). It will be in Barnes and Noble in the USA soon, along with Eason in Ireland and independent newsagents in Canada, Australia and many other countries.
Remember: Linux Voice has 115 pages of goodness and gives 50% of its profits back to the FOSS community. If you like what you see, head to your local newsagents to grab your copy or save money and time by getting a subscription from!

Contents pages (click for PDF)
Love the magazine! But I find the sans-serif font of the magazine more difficult to read than serif fonts used in other magazines. I remember reading that the Underground uses a sans-serif font is used because it it easier to read individual words. But to read sentences it is far easier with a font like Times. Thank you.
Sorry about those typos. A serif font wouldn’t have helped my legibility!
Hi John! Sorry the font isn’t ideal for you… We actually use Roboto, a font developed by Google and used throughout Android:
It’s optimised for readability, so hopefully you’ll get used to it in time!
Wow….thanks, what a quick reply. I’ll get used to it eventually I’m sure, but I didn’t know if others would feel the same (I guess not, from the huge number of replies my message created!!!!). I expect you took a long time deciding on the font. Thanks again for such a GREAT magazine. Hope to see you at Oggcamp!
So……..I’ve been reading the mag since it came out. Good stuff! But I want to complain. In the “YOUR AD HERE” I notice there is always a lot of beer (presumably from PiBrew).
Where is the pizza?
After all humans can not survive on beer alone, can they?
The pizza is always snaffled up before anyone has time to take a photo 🙂
I just read the Group Test+ letter in this issue and could not agree more. There really is too much Raspberry Pi (I don’t want to control a USB car on my desktop!) and have NO interest in the subject. Also the group test change is GREAT. I hated it when your former magazine changed from grouping by program to grouping by feature and to get this back is great!. Thanks.
Don’t be ridiculous. We all know that most Linux flavours are free (as in beer). Have you ever heard of fre as in pizza?
Hi was trying to download the Core technology sample code from LV07 – got the article PDF from: which points to:
mag_code/lv07/coretech007.tar – this leads to a “404” page….
Any ideas?
Hi Neil,
Sorry about that — it’s here now: