Issue 8
|Building a Linux distro is easier that you think, and we show you how. Whether you want more eye candy, or nothing but a terminal, you can tailor your very own OS as much or as little as you like.
We take a look at the rise of open hardware, peer back through the mists of time and discover how Linux gaming became the phenomenon that it is today, and build a remote control for an XBMC-powered smart hifi. You can put your skills to the test with our challenge which this month is all about password cracking. There’s a round up of Raspberry Pi distros, a guide to stop motion animation, an interview with Red Hat’s Jan Wildeboer, and much more. Take a look at the contents spread below for a full list.
Issue 8 is making its way to subscribers around the world now, and has just hit newsstands in the UK (WHSmith high street and travel stores, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, McColls/Martin’s). It will be in Barnes and Noble in the USA soon, along with Eason in Ireland and independent newsagents in Canada, Australia and many other countries.
You can download the an ISO of the cover disk via bit torrent from here.
Remember: Linux Voice has 115 pages of goodness and gives 50% of its profits back to the FOSS community. If you like what you see, head to your local newsagents to grab your copy or save money and time by getting a subscription from!

Contents pages (click for PDF)