Linux Voice issue 4 is here!
Issue 4 is making its way to subscribers around the world now, and has just hit newsstands in the UK (WHSmith high street stores, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, McColls/Martin’s). It will be in Barnes and Noble in the USA soon, along with Eason in Ireland and independent newsagents in Canada, Australia and many other countries.
And it’s a mighty issue, with an in-depth look at the best Ubuntu 14.04 respins – if you’ve never got on well with Unity, you need to read this. We look at the Kano “computer lab in a box”, discover how Code Club is encouraging children to learn programming, and see how SteamOS is changing the future of games on Linux. Then there are 34 pages of tutorials from the best writers in the business, along with our usual feast of reviews, programming guides, interviews and more. Click the PDF below to see what we’ve crammed into the issue! (And click here to get the source code used in the Android tutorial.)
Remember: Linux Voice has 115 pages of goodness and gives 50% of its profits back to the FOSS community. If you like what you see, head to or your local newsagents to grab your copy. And save money and time by getting a subscription!

Contents pages (click for PDF)
Will there be more DVDs or were Issue 1 and 2 the only ones? Thanks.
Hi John,
We will indeed have more DVDs, just not with every issue. There are some very quiet months for distros, so instead of filling the gaps with less interesting discs, we thought we’d have three or four killer DVDs each year.
Thanks for the quick reply. And I think it is a good idea only having a few DVDs. My own collection of (insert previous employer) DVDs is fragmented because not all were useful to me. Thanks.