Issue 32 is the last issue of Linux Voice as a stand-alone magazine as we have joined Linux Magazine. This newly merged magazine will bring the best bits of Linux Voice and Linux Magazine together into a single volume. All four of us Linux Voice founders will still be here contributing to the newly merged magazine – you’ll find us in the aptly named Linux Voice section. We’ll continue to write about the things that excite us in the world of open source software and we’ll continue making our popular podcast.
Now that we’re free of the day-to-day work of running the business, we can focus again on great technology. As well as us four, we’re working with Linux Magazine to keep bringing great content to the Linux-using world, and this includes former contributors to Linux Voice.
The first issue of Linux Magazine done in tandem with Linux Voice (issue 193) is on its way to subscribers now and will be available in newsagents from 29th October 2016.
We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions, and we’ve tried to anticipate the most common ones below.
Frequently Asked Questions on the Linux Voice / Linux Magazine Merge
Linux Voice pledged to share 50% of its profits with free software projects. Will you be doing this in 2016?
Despite our best efforts to raise money for open source projects (and ourselves), we’ve failed to make a profit since the first year. What money there is left in the company Linux Voice Ltd will be used to pay off outstanding bills, so unfortunately, there won’t be any left to split with projects.
Will you continue the Linux Voice podcast?
The podcast will continue as normal. We’ll upload our audio ramblings to roughly every two weeks.
Will Linux Voice still be released under a creative commons license?
All issues of Linux Voice will still flow through to being released under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license nine months after they were published. Linux Magazine releases their issues for free (as in beer) a year after they’re published. You can browse past issues and view articles online at
Linux Magazine has subscription options with and without a DVD. Which one will I get?
Linux Magazine offers two versions of the magazine, with or without the DVD, known as “DVD” or “Standard” subscriptions. As Linux Voice did not regularly include a DVD, your subscription will continue as Standard. However, a free DVD has been included with the first issue so you can see what they are typically like.
How do I upgrade my Linux Magazine subscription to include the DVD?
Your Linux Magazine Standard Print Subscription can easily be upgraded to include the DVD starting with the next issue to be mailed. To upgrade your subscription, please contact
How has my Linux Voice subscription been transferred?
LV subscribers will receive one issue of Linux Magazine for each issue of Linux Voice still due on their subscription.
How will I get access to digital copies of Linux Magazine?
All current LV subscribers will receive an email with login information. This login is valid for the Linux Magazine website and the Linux New Media shop. The digital issues that are part of your subscription will be available to you online with this login. If you did not receive this email, please contact
How will I access digital copies of Linux Voice?
Your subscriber access over for Linux Voice digital copies remains unchanged.
What if I am already a Linux Magazine subscriber?
If you are already a Linux Magazine subscriber, your Linux Magazine subscription will be extended by the number of issues left on your Linux Voice subscription.
If you happen to receive two copies of the magazine, please contact so we can correct the error.
Which Linux Magazine issue will I receive first and when?
The transfer of Linux Voice subscriptions has taken place with Linux Magazine issue #193 / December 2016. This is the equivalent to Linux Voice issue 33. The digital edition of this issue will be made available to subscribers by October 28th. Most print copies have already been mailed, here are approximate arrival dates:
UK / Europe: Oct 29
Australia: Nov 25
North America: Nov 25
What was the last issue of Linux Voice?
Linux Voice 32 was the last issue. It was distributed to subscribers at the end of September 2016.
How will I know when my Linux Magazine subscription expires?
How do I renew my subscription?
If you have paid for your Linux Voice subscription with an automatic renewal over MoonClerk or GoCardless, you don’t need to do anything in order for your subscription to continue.
If you have paid through other methods, including Stripe or PayPal in the Linux Voice Tictail shop, your subscription will not automatically renew. We will inform you by email before your subscription expires so you have the chance to renew without missing any issues.
What is Linux Pro Magazine?
Linux Magazine is known as Linux Pro Magazine in the US and Canada. The editorial content is identical.
If you have further questions regarding your subscription to Linux Voice, please contact
Will I be able to order back issues of Linux Voice to complete my collection?
Yes, the most recent issues of Linux Voice are already available over the Linux New Media shop:
If you would like back issues that are not in the shop, please contact
Who is Linux New Media?
Linux New Media is the publisher of Linux Magazine and other magazines such Ubuntu User, ADMIN, Drupal Watchdog, and Raspberry Pi Geek.
Linux New Media is based in Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
Who is Sparkhaus Media?
Sparkhaus Media is a service provider for Linux New Media, covering all countries outside the US and Canada. This arrangement allows us to offer products in more currencies, have faster delivery in Europe, and offer Customer Service in a European time zone. Sparkhaus Media is located in Munich, Germany.
This FAQ will be updated regularly, so check back soon if your question is not answered.
I’m a subscriber of the PDF versions of both LV & LM. I had an email at the beginning of this week saying that a payment was due for LV and it was taken on Monday. Shouldn’t I have been informed of this merger before the money was taken?
I had the same a week or 2 ago. Not being a LM subscriber, I don’t really mind (LM has some stuff I like too) but I do think it would’ve been nicer to have had some prior notice. This can’t have just come out of the blue.
Not out of the blue, but we really wanted to ensure that everything was in order before announcing. We’ve all been working really hard on the Linux Voice section, writing loads of articles to make sure readers are happy, and maintaining our voice and style. We hope everyone will give our new home a look and see that it all fits together nicely.
I know how it goes Mike, having been there in the (sort of) same situation….trying the hardest to keep everything up and running and hoping it’ll workout eventually. Still it would’ve been better to have been opener about the situation. Sort of giving us (we were supposed to be more of a community than just readers, remember) a feeling we might help in whatever way we might have. I’m sure you guys are doing the best you can and it probably is the right or only decision.
Think of it this way. If they did and half the subscribers eff’d off, they would have got a worse deal or no deal. I understand it and I’ll wait until I read the mag to decide if I’m happy with the merger or not, but I think what they have done is smart and responsible.
Not sure whether this is good news or not – time will tell.
But currently paying £10 every 3 months on direct debit. Is this cost likely to increase?
Hi Dave,
Your direct debit will continue as is at the same rate, no change!
Sad to hear the inevitable news. This must have been an incredibly difficult year for all four of you. I greatly appreciate the hard work you all put in. Will buy you all a beer next time I see you.
Good luck with all your future endeavours!
much love, popey.
Thanks Alan. We’re happy that Linux Voice has a home and a future in this new form, and we’re already beavering away on new articles for the coming months
I am struggling to understand how much will the yearly digisub renewal be (Linux Magazine sub).
I see that they only sell a 12 months DigiSub as an addon to the regular print sub. Am I right?
What if I am interested specifically on a digital sub only?
This is the link I was browsing:
If I need to buy a hardcopy sub for €84.90 plus €12, plus shipping… I am not sure I am going to renew in a year time.
Right now I feel gutted… please tell me I am wrong!
Hi Stefano,
Yes, it is possible to buy a digital-only subscription to Linux Magazine. You don’t need to worry about the prices in our online shop, your subscription will renew at the same price as in the past with Linux Voice. The only difference might be a change in currency if you are not in the UK. If you are in the Eurozone, you will be able to pay in € in the future instead of GBP.
Thanks for the reply! I now see the digisub in the shop for 84 EUR. What happens if I cancel the sub next year 2017 and I renew the year after (2018). Being a crowdfunding subscriber, will I still be paying LV sub prices (38 GBP circa) or will I be paying 84 EUR?
Stefano, As long as you continue your subscription, your rates will not change. If you cancel and re-subscribe after an interruption in service, you will be charged the regular subscription rates, which are higher than you are currently paying. I hope that answers your question. Thank you!
Sad to see that it didn’t work out for you guys.
Was always a great read. What I liked beside the technical topics were the inputs on privacy and politics.
Hopefully your new section will be big enough for your content.
Btw, I could only find payed issues of Linux Magazine on the /Issues page. Am I looking in the wrong section?
Just click on any issue that is over a year old, all the articles are freely available.
Ah okay I see, not what I expected but works for me
Best of luck for the future guys! 3 years isn’t a bad run for a new magazine (particularly one started by crowd-funding), and I’m glad to hear you’ll be able to continue working together.
Ah and something I forgot do they have an ePUB variant? I mostly read the magazine in this format and only used the PDF when I wanted to look at the pictures or something wasn’t working well in the ePUB format like big pieces of code.
We have not offered ePUB in the past, but are looking into offering that from now on. We’ll need a little time to investigate.
That would be great, it’s far more comfortable to read on an 6″ e-ink ebook reader than on a 9-10″ LCD tablet.
Please, do. I recently bought an e-reader and I get a lot more fo the magazine read that way than I used to with the PDFs.
[quote]Linux Magazine releases their issues for free (as in beer) a year after they’re published.[/quote]
No where do I see that listed anywhere on their site. Following the link you posted, everything is still marked at $9.99 an issue, going back to issue 74 (2007).
This is true if you want to download a hi-resolution PDF. However, the entire content of issues over a year old is available for free directly on the website. Click on any article in those issues to access the content.
That’s different than releasing the issue for free.
Yes I agree, I was under the expectation that the magazine would be available in the same form as the digital version after 12 months. Having it as a website is not the same as releasing the issue for free.
Also marking old magazines at $9.99 an issue is a bit off.
Very sorry to read this. I always felt a frisson of pride whenever LV dropped onto the letter box. I wish you all well. Will wait to see how the new arrangement works before deciding on next renewal.
That’s great news. Actually quite happy with that. Linux Magazine historically seemed to charge a premium on their subscription which is why I cancelled a few years ago. But for this price along with the LV content this is great. Thanks
Don’t let your knickers get all giddy. We’ll see how long the folks over at LM allow some to get the same magazine for a lower rate than others. If I were a LM subscriber and found out about this, I’d be pissed.
I was a backer of the project at the start and I as understood it my renewal price was going to stay the same for the life of the magazine.
I took the Digital only version
Does it means that LV life is now over and if so I much will I pay for the PDF version only next year?
With very few exceptions, the prices will not change upon renewal. We do manage prices in several currencies, so if you are outside the UK, your renewal will no longer be GBP. Price details will be sent around before your subscription is up for renewal.
Sorry to hear this! All the best to the LV staff for the new beginning.
It seems Linux Magazine only offers a digital subscription as an addon to a paper one, and even then the issues are only made available in PDF format. The ePub digital-only option was one of the main reasons I subbed to Linux Voice; is that not available for LV’s new home?
There is a glitch in our shop that is not showing the normal digital subscription, but we do offer that. Currently that is in PDF form, but we are looking into offering ePUB as well.
Good to know, thank you. Please do consider ePub for your digital issues; it’s the perfect format for e-readers!
The shop glitch is fixed.
Yes, we will look into adding ePUB, also for this first merged issue – just haven’t had time yet!
Wow, when did you begin offer PDFs via a digital subscription? In the past the only way to get a digital subscription of LM was to go through a third party and they all sucked.
My bad…I was thinking of Linux Format.
Good to know, thank you. Please do consider ePub for your digital issues; it’s the perfect format for e-readers!
What will happen to the Linux Voice website? I have it bookmarked in all my web browsers.
The Linux Voice website will remain online.
As the Linux Magazine team said, it’ll stay online – we have some more CC issues to post, plus there will be our regular podcasts. And maybe some other goodies as well!
What about the forums? Will they remain?
They will indeed! If anyone has questions about the Linux Voice section or just wants to chat about Linux-related stuff, we’ll be around.
That’s good to hear, thanks!
I took part in the crowd funding for LV and followed you from that other magazine (I saw something about a merger for them a while back).
I look forward to see what comes next. Good luck and thanks for the LV years.
I wasn’t able to get issue 32 of Linux Voice in the shop this month. Will a physical copy still be available to buy next month?
Hello Colin,
We have a handful of LV32 physical copies that will be available for purchase over the Linux New Media Shop in the next few days.
@Linux Magazin, are you experience a bit heavy load atm? I often get an error when I click on a link :D.
Could be, lots of people checking us out at the moment!
I quote: “If you did not receive this email, ” from the above. As this is past tense I’m indeed worried I’ve been passed over or do I have to wait till the 29th?
Hi, you were emailed at just after 15:00 UK time today — maybe accidentally landed in your spam box?
The mail on the merger arrived at 16.24 but I was actually referring to the LM access as a digital LV subscriber.
Methinks this would be something for LM customer service then?
Ah, I see. The mail from LM with information on digital issues is still to come – stay tuned!
The mail regarding access to digital issues of Linux Magazine will go out tomorrow.
That’s good to hear. I will be keeping an eye on my inbox tomorrow to check out the magazine.
Thanks for that.
For me the ePub version is an essential – glad to hear that you are looking into providing one. My future renewal depends on
Great, thanks for the feedback!
Same goes for me.
I am sorry that LV could not continue as an independent magazine
but I am glad to see that our 4 Linux Musketeers will continue writing great articles on LM! I feel proud to have contributed a little by being part of the original crowdfunding and by being a subscriber until now. I am sure that the LM/LV merger will bring even better information about Linux and the Open Source World. Looking forward to read the next issue of LM. Hoping that some of the other writers @ LV can find a home at LM quarters. Thanks Guys!
It must have been a very tight (cash) and mentally worrying year for you folk at Linux Voice. I am glad to see you did not just fold and be unemployed. Please bring a good input to Linux Magazine (where I am also a subscriber) and most important try to get them to see sense that if they have print subscriber that subscriber should get a PDF included with the subscription. Thanks and may I wish you better years ahead of you. Regard, Eionmac
(Eion MacDonald in Occupied Lancashire, UK)
Cheers Eion. It’s been quite a ride but we’re happy to have found a fitting home for Linux Voice content, so we can focus on writing about the software and geektastic stuff we love!
Am I right in thinking that the LV website (including forums and podcasts) intends to remain unchanged as an independent entity to LM?
If so, that gets me wondering who will be maintaining it and who’s going to be footing the bill?
Thank you for your question. The LV website will remain up and the forums open. New content from the Linux Voice team will be published in Linux Magazine and will therefore be posted on New podcasts will continue to be posted on the LV website.
Will I still be able to renew my 7 month subscription? I believe Linux Magazine requires at least a 12 month subscription.
Hi Glen, We will serve out your current term, but the renewal will be for 12 months. Thank you!
I’m disappointed to hear this news, you guys put out a great magazine and I want to thank you for your work. Linux Magazine looks like a safe pair of hands for your content too.
Just in case though I must ask whether or not I can choose to cancel my subscription early and obtain a pro-rata refund?
Thanks Dave — give the new mag a look, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy all the familiar content. For questions about your specific subscription, please contact with your subs number.
Thanks for all your hard work guys and it’s ashame things didn’t work out. I have enjoyed the magazine (and the podcast) immensely and thank you for your efforts.
Should I not wish to continue to subscribe under the new combined magazine, will I get warning emails that my subscription is going to be renewed when it comes up? I can’t remember the exact method of payment other than it is payed by direct debit.
Hi Geoff, you will receive an email prior to the renewal of your subscription. Those are typically sent at least a week prior to the auto-renewal happening.
Hi – I have received an email this morning telling me that my subscription will be renewed in 3 days! No details of what to do if I don’t want to renew and the ‘manage account’ option only allows me to change the card number, not even delete it or cancel. A little unhelpful.
Hi Geoff, please contact with all subs queries and they’ll look into it. Thanks!
Sorry to hear the news. You created a wonderful magazine. It is great to know that you still have an outlet for your talents.
Some other good news is now you have material for a book on your adventure in publishing – might recover some of what you had to forego over the last couple of years.
Those of us in the US (and Canada, and other parts of the world) paid a premium price for our subscriptions. Will the number of Linux Magazine issues we receive reflect that premium? For us in the US (and Canada) we would now be receiving a “locally produced” magazine that ought to have lower distribution costs. My initial thought is that lower costs ought to result in greater volume of product for the amount we have already paid. Any schooling you can provide would be appreciated.
Hello Mike,
The price of your LV subscription is actually almost identical to the price of a standard Linux Pro Magazine sub + digital add-on in the US (with some fluctuation due to the exchange rate). Linux Magazine / Linux Pro is in reality a global product with production and distribution spread between the US and Europe. So compared to LV, the distribution costs are very similar. Those factors led us to the conclusion that a 1:1 transfer of issues would be a fair and simple way of handling this transition.
Thanks for the update. When I read the FAQ I saw: “[a]s Linux Voice did not regularly include a DVD, your subscription will continue as Standard.” I didn’t pick up on the US subscribers getting the PDF add-on. With the digital add-on included, the math works out for me.
Much appreciated.
Sorry to hear that Linux Voice Mag will be no more. But glad to hear you will all continue in Linux Magazine. Hope Stacey is moving too, or has another role to take on.
I think you all can be extremely proud of what you achieved. Thirty two great issues from a standing start is no mean feat in my viewpoint. Glad to hear the LV Podcasts will continue. They have been a source of much info and amusement.
Good luck.
Why essential? I’ve always preferred PDF myself.
You have obviously not tried reading a pdf on a phone or tablet or you would not ask such a question.
Sorry to hear that Linux Voice Mag will be no more. I Really enjoyed reading and think you all have excellent editorial skills. I Have actually read the magazine you are merging with and feel like it must be hard to merge with VHS when you ran betamax. Hopefully you improve their quality and expand the Linux Voice section of the issues.
Thanks so much guys. Will be supporting you in the future – whichever magazine your in. This was by far the best magazine for me. All the very best.
That’s a pity.
Although I did enjoy your magazine I mostly kept up my subscription because I wanted to support it. I guess I will see what the new magazine is like.
Understand that it has been tough to keep going as an independent mag . Thanks to the LV -team for their inspiration and being a true non-commercial voice for free software .
Just paid my subs for another year of on-line content and look forward to all that in the hope the LV style of writing can be retained in LM
Tnx again to the LV -team for all past enthousiasm and resulting quality of articles.
Really sorry to hear this news but I know how hard it must have been. It must ha e been a hard time. It was a good thing at the time….glad to have been an initial supporter. Glad the 4 Linuxteers are moving onto the next new world of Linux.
I’m really saddened by this news, but (as I just said on a certain award-winning podcast) I’m really proud of what the Linux Voice guys have achieved in such a small period of time… as should they be.
I look forward to see how this new combined magazine turns out.
This is actually very good news for me.
I’ve always liked the technical stuff and the great dedication from Linux Voice but had previously found it impossible to subscribe (will not use thieving Paypal).
I did have a long-time subscription with Linux Magazine but canceled it only 2 weeks ago because it lacked those very things that make Linux Voice such a great magazine.
I look forward to seeing the combined editions and hope it will inspire me to re-subscribe.
All the best.
I found out about LV two weeks ago while searching for linux-related podcasts to listen to. I just tried ePUB versions of past issues on my Sony reader and was thrilled to have found a magazine available in this format. And while I understand your economic model didn’t work out on your own, the price tag was nice too. I was considering subscribing. I’m disappointed. 8€ for a single issue of LM is a lot of money for me. And digital issues are the same price. And 85€ a one-year digital subsccription won’t work out for me neither. I’ll stick to the podcast and past issues of LV for the time being. I really hope too, that LM won’t announe in a few months that ePUB isn’t possible for time/technical/whatever reason. ePUB versions of the magazine would be the only reason that could make me reconsider getting a subscription, while not at 85 a year.Good luck to you all.
This is sad news. It’s a shame that this great magazine didn’t work out. I know linux stuff is a small but growing market, perhaps we’re already at saturation in the print media space for now? However, I will continue my subscription onto Linux Magazine.
Must admit, I don’t often read my mags, but I always listen to the pod, so really glad you’re keeping that going.
Just out of interest, what are you guys going to do now to pay the mortgages?! I hope you keep trying with the other projects, Beep Beep Yaar for example, you’re content is too good to disappear!
Very sad to hear this having supported since the crowd funding campaign. You have always been a head, shoulders and torso above the other options out there. I can see the reasoning and wish you all well, and look forward to seeing how Linux Magazine progresses. I haven’t actually read it in a long while since, although it seems it should be the option of more interest to me (until LV came along), the combination of price and article mix rarely resulted in me purchasing a copy. Fingers crossed this will change now.
LV will now join the select few magazines that I have a full set of, the others all being from the 80s and early 90s covering platforms like Amstrad, Sinclair, etc.
Has anyone actually received the email from LM yet? According to previous posts it was due to be sent on the 28th – nothing here as yet.
Yes, I got mine on Friday at 15:40.
Hi Ian,
Emails with details on digital access went out on Friday afternoon UK time, sent from If you have not received this email, please write to – we’ll need your LV subscriber number and the email address you used for the LV subscription if possible.
Thanks for the info – email sent
I often bought both magazines at the news agent. A merged magazine may, in fact, be better than either.
Good luck, and best wishes.
Sad to hear that you have to give up as an independent magazine with profit-sharing as one of your guidelines.
However, very happy to hear that you will continue as writers and the podcast. See you “on the other side”.
Has anyone receoved their physical copy of LM through the post yet?
Not yet
I haven’t received it either. I’m in the UK.
Mine arrived this morning if it’s any help to anyone.
Thanks Alistair, I’ll see if it’s there when I’m home from work this evening.
Got mine today, happy days
It turned out mine arrived yesterday as well, so I read it after work. I’m pleased with it and will continue with my subscription. It’s a shame Linux Voice couldn’t survive as a standalone magazine, but merging with a different magazine is much better than folding completely.
May I join the chorus of sadness. But I do firmly hope all at Linux Voice are glad they tried. I’m always firmly of the belief that it is better to try, than not to try at all. And at nearly three years, it had a good innings for a small magazine.
It’s been MANY years since I last read Linux Magazine. I will be interested to see how the new merged magazine carries on. They seem determined to help you keep your voice.
Love the LV mag and the content. It won’t be the same, you guys produced a unique fantastic magazine. LV will be missed. I know we have this new combined mag, but it won’t be the same. Thanks for all you have done in the past and what you will do in the future. Just wrestle to get more pages in the new mag
Sad to hear that this is the end of Linuxvoice, but I am very glad that you continue your outstanding work.
I am a subscriber of the German language “Linux Magazin” and there are a lot of overlaps in articles to “Linux Magazine” in English.
Would it be possible to transfer my previous Linuxvoice subscription to extend my subscription of the German magazine?
Hi Dirk, please contact with your subscriber number for specific questions about your sub. Thanks!
Thanks Mike, will do!
Both my existing LM and LV arrived together, i.e. two copies of lm 193. Having contacted them and had the duplication sorted out I then got my moonclerk renewal notification…
Not seeing a cancel option on the renewal side, given I’ve an existing LM subscription…
Having looked at the LM website, I was surprised on how aggressive it is in getting money from us punters. I suppose I have been spoiled by the Linux Format experience where subscribers can download both back issues and cover DVds at no extra charge.
However, having now read the magazine I find the content well laid out and interesting and I look forward to receiving further issues. I might even renew my sub, especially if the promised ePub version appear. (though probably at extra cost!)
I originally took out an LM subscription because I had found format lacking, so then took out LV after the spinout/breakout. I’d have probably rated LM over LV and both (well) over format. Shame to see the merge because I think it will lose some of the depth and width over coverage.
I’m sorry that Linux Voice is ending, but I’m happy to hear you guys will still be providing content.
I provided the max amount during the crowd funding campaign, which entitled me to the lifetime subscription. I assumed based on the information above “f you are already a Linux Magazine subscriber, your Linux Magazine subscription will be extended by the number of issues left on your Linux Voice subscription.”, that this will still be honored even through there is no end to my subscription. Correct?
Hi Nicholas, please contact and they’ll give you the info!
I got an answer from Gwen ( Below is full thread for those who are in the same situation as myself.
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On 12/13/16 8:55 PM, nvanwyen wrote:
I just received my latest copy of Linux Voice, which is now apparently Linux Pro, with notification of the merger. Based on the information pointed to at, there is the statement ” If you are already a Linux Magazine subscriber, your Linux Magazine subscription will be extended by the number of issues left on your Linux Voice subscription”.
I provided the maximum funding support during the initial crowd funding campaign which afforded me a lifetime subscription. I assume that will still be honored. I posted a question in the comment section of the page and was asked to contact you on this matter.
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On 12/14/2016 10:51 AM, Customer Service wrote:
Hi Nicholas,
Thank you for your email regarding your subscription. With the transfer from Linux Voice to Linux Pro Magazine (the North American version of the publication), we are unable to offer the lifetime subscription, but we are giving all lifetime subscribers two years of the magazine (24 issues). Based on our pricing, that is a value of $199.90.
Your first issue is on its way to you now if you haven’t already received it. Your subscription will be active through issue #217, which is our December 2018 issue.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Thank you!
Customer Service | Linux New Media
Drupal Watchdog |
Linux Pro Magazine |
Ubuntu User |
Raspberry Pi Geek |
616 Kentucky Street
Lawrence, KS 66044 USA
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On 12/14/2016 10:56 AM, nvanwyen wrote:
> Well that’s disappointing to hear, and I would have assumed during the merger negotiations someone would have thought to account for those of us who out of good faith gave a massive funding amount. So, I guess that Dec 2018 will be my last copy, because I will not renew.
— cut —
Hi Nicholas,
“I would have assumed during the merger negotiations someone would have thought to account for those of us who out of good faith gave a massive funding amount”
We did, it’s something we talked about a lot during the meetings, and that’s why we agreed to give all lifetime subscribers 24 issues of Linux Magazine for free. (Rather than just saying “sorry, we’re closing, so that’s the end of Linux Voice”.) As Gwen mentioned, those extra two years are worth almost $200, so on top of the 32 issues of Linux Voice you received we hope you’ve had some value out of your very generous crowdfunding contribution.
I did get a lot of value, and I’m not upset as I understand completely and I do appreciate the effort you guys made.
One of things I appreciated most about you and your team was your commitment to Libre (e.g. freedom in all forms including speech). So, my comments were not directed at you but at the new magazine as I wanted to see if they passed moderation.
Since the comments have been posted it appears that you guys still hold some way in your new place and who knows I may reconsider in the end about a renewal.
Thanks Nicholas. The reason your comment ended up on the moderation queue was purely because it contained multiple URLs (from the Linux New Media signature), and such comments need to be checked for spam first. We’ve always been in favour of free speech and leave up comments critical of us… fortunately there haven’t been that many, though
Anyway, we hope you enjoy the Linux Voice content in Linux Magazine and if you have any suggestions for something you’d like us to cover, just drop us a line.
Hope you are all well. What are you guys upto with work? It would be good to hear what you are doing now, maybe in an article? I know having supported yourselves from being in the previous magazine and having heard you chat on the podcasts, it feels more personal. How do you feel things are going with the merger? I know I preferred the full Linux Voice magazine however there is good content from the Linux Magazine that I find useful. Hope 2017 is better for you all.
PS I am absolutely gutted it didn’t work out, you all believed in the project of open source. However after the first year it appeared – whether right or not – that you all had other things to do other than the magazine, or something else wasn’t right.
I am shocked by the reports of LV’s demise. I didn’t realise it had happened. I have been checking the shelves for the last couple of months thinking that perhaps it was just selling out superquick on account of how good it is. When Micromart died last month I thought, at least there is still Linux Voice. Oddly I think I have one of the new copies of Linux Magazine, just by chance. I shall go hunt it out and see how it compares. The big difference about Linux Voice was it was probably the only Linux magazine that was actually readable by an average person. And of course the super ethical though evidently unwise distribution of funding. At least you are still there in some form. I really don’t know what was wrong with 2016. I am just glad that we all made it out alive.
I had not subscribed to LV for a couple of reasons: a) a bad experience subscribing to a certain other Linux mag (which you LV guys know well, I’m sure, since you worked on it once), and b) pure economics (it was actually cheaper to buy LV in shops than even a digital sub). But I did buy every issue after I found out about its existence.
Thing is, I was waiting for the next issue…, and waiting…, and waiting! Little did I know that there would be no more (independant) issues of LV. You could’ve said something in issue 32, guys! Had I known about this, I’d have bought the last few issues of LM. But I’ve missed ’em now. Shih!
Anyhow, Keep up the great work and I’ll see you in the next issue of LM.