LV Podcast Season 1 Episode 2
|Title: The Grey Havens
Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
In this episode: Mint 16 has been released and it’s ace. There could be a new Linux worm. Jolla starts making phones and Ubuntu TV isn’t dead. We’ve got some fantastic discoveries, neurons to speak and the internet famous Voice of the Masses. And! Mike is back, reporting in from the land of Schnitzel and Sachertorte.
What’s in the show:
- News:
Linux Mint 16 has been released and it’s lovely. There’s a new kind of Linux worm that can target embedded devices, according to an anti-virus company. MeeGo begat Mer begat Sailfish OS begat a new open Linux phone, this time in the form of Jolla from ex-Nokia employees. The Ubuntu TV is not dead, it’s just in the queue behind Ubuntu smartphones. And our magazine, Linux Voice, is getting closer to its target. Help make it happen on our Indiegogo campaign page.
- Things we found out in two weeks:
- Ben:
- Use a R-2R resistor ladder to build a waveform generator/DAC with an Arduino Uno.
- Andrew:
- Pimoroni are super ace and lazer cutters burning through wood smell so good.
- The Raspberry Pi logo is inspired by the molecular structure of a bucky-ball.
- Newcastle City Council invests in a payday loan company.
- Mike:
- Connect Megadrive and SNES cartridges into your computer with a Retrode.
- Ben:
- Vocalise your Neurons:
- The Part Where People Ask Us To Do Things:
- Voice of the Masses: Is GNU still relevant?
Thanks Javier! Send any thoughts this way for our next podcast:
Hear our reports on using the fantastic Linux distro, CrunchBang.
Plus: One more thing…
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (54MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (63MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (20MB) (we’ve added metadata to the file now – sorry for being lazy).
Duration: 58:45
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Season 1 Episode 2 seems to be marked as being published on 6/11 instead of 6/12? At least on the opus feed anyway.
Looks like they've just updated the RSS – the month is now correct.
Curses, my SQL-injecting mind hack has been foiled!
You're still using curses? I though most use GTK or Qt now!!
Curses is always cooler than gtk and qt
"we’ve added metadata to the file now"
I'm not sure whether to cheer or complain now – I JUST had an episode of Hacker Public Radio pop up in the feed[1] about two days ago wherein I had mentioned a complaint about the lack of metadata in the opus feed. Now people will think I'm insane or stupid. (Even more, I mean).
I suppose I could claim that it's just a sign of how influential I am, but I'm not sure how much of such a claim would be audible before it was drowned out by derisive laughter…
[1] if anyone is interested – the more feedback I can get on these things the better I can get at them.
The RSS feed doesn't seem to be updating, I'm subscribed to the opus on my android and the ogg on my desktop and neither list the latest podcast??
When they changed the website, I had to delete the RSS fedd and subscribe again to make it update.
I did that and my phone is still confused. So am I when trying to fix this.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock <= Big Bang Theory!
Popularised by BBT, but originally from 🙂
Re Digital analog to converter and reducing error that occur while the binary data is changing sequentially…the best way to do this i suspect is to start changing the binary bits from the most significant bit first. This will mean the spikes are shorter, and you approach the final value earlier. I guess your output needs to be filtered to allow exclude the noise frequency generated by your bit-changing algorithm. i.e he settling time of your filter must be much greater than the maximum frequency your out put needs to be.
I applaud your retro ambitions, but might also suggest a quick look at pimoroni's DAC for a fiver that works via I2C
Thanks for the suggestion. As you can probably imagine, I haven’t had much time to play with this, but I do plan to try switching the ordering round. I also thought about adding code to detect where these particular errors would occur and select the best order to switch the bits. I'm not sure if it will run fast enough though.
The filtering circuit did get out almost all of the high-frequency noise, it was just this one bit caused too much noise for it. Playing around with the exact settings of it will probably help as well.
At some point, I will probably relent and buy some DACs, but at the moment, I'm enjoying the geek-pleasure of a breadboard full of resistors and capacitors 🙂
Challenge the Reader. As passive consumers of media such as your soon-to-be-esteemed organ, we all get intellectual stimulaton; might I suggest that what really NEED is intellectual exercise. For example: -my mind harks back to the days of Sinclair user when readers would be regulary compete for coding goals (please don't display code in 4-columns-per-page as in most magaziines these days…virtually unreadable) . How about challenging the readers to code in bash or Python or PERL simple tasks. I know most of these have already been done, but it is shear laziness to hunt down code from the net…we need to get the coding brain cells working again.
Ben! I know something that may help you with your DAC problem! Could you somehow apply the principle of grey code ( to overcome your issue?
@eages I thought that at first, sounds like a good idea and allows transitions one bit at a time. But sadly almost impossible to connect to an r2r DAC ladder. This ladder relies on adding specific voltages represented by the state of bit at a particular position. With gray scale encoding the bits do not represent a binary value.
Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately Saif is right and Gray codes can't be used on an R/2R ladder. That's a shame though, they would have made things much easier.
Actually I think its caused by the date problem mentioned above. Its here but listed with the wrong date so my podcast app thinks it’s old
Loving Mint 16. This is the only time I've stuck with a distro long enough to do an upgrade. Not a lot of changes, but some nice additions and tweaks. Can't imagine a more perfect everyday use operating system. I just wish it was cool and had some geek cred.
For an upcoming challenge I'd really like to see you guys install and use a BSD OS. I've been trying with every release to get it to install but have hardware compatibility issues on my desktops. Got it installed one time on a PC that I was building for someone else and only got to play for a few hours. I'd really like to know what, if anything I'm missing. In particular it would be great if one of you chose PC-BSD for a test drive for the less tech savy. Thanks for all the great work.
Yes, trying out a BSD would be interesting. But be careful, you might ditch Linux afterwards!
Writing this comment from my newly installed and fully functional PC-BSD. Latest ISO worked. Do I get geek-cred now? Sure PC-BSD is the Ubuntu of the BSD world, but it's still BSD.
Really enjoyed the podcast. Mike mentioned that he was in Vienna so I'm assuming that he was remote, if so, you nailed the remote audio engineering.
Looking forward to many more years of your podcasts, and judging from the progress of the indiegogo, a first issue of LV in just a few months!
Where do we send ideas to challenge you, I'm not seeing a link or I may just be going blind
I am a UK resident with IPv6 at home (thanks to aaisp).
I think I need to defend IPv6 against alot of the FUD going around.
Please, if you can use IPv6, do it! All major operating systems and browsers support it, including on phones and tablets, so long as you use recent versions.
Google works, Facebook [1] works (not to be confused with IPv6 on Facebook [2]).
Actually, it doesn't matter if websites are IPv6 enabled or not. The v6 address space is so much larger than v4, there are DNS servers that will create a v6 address for v4 only websites [3]. This works by mapping the entire v4 address space into a subset of v6.
One point that you mentioned that I hear a lot is about the lack of a NAT "protecting" your home computers with non-routable IPs. In reality, most firewalls (even those built-in to home routers) default to only allowing connections originating from inside your network. The security is the same, IPv6 addresses are not a magical way of avoiding the router, just a way of not needing NAT (or worse, CG-NAT [4]).
Podcast Season 1 Episode 2, Dec 6th, 2013
LV podcast Season 1 Episode 1, Nov 22nd, 2013
Podcast Season 1 Episode 3, Nov 4th, 2013
Podcast Season 1 Episode 2, Oct 17th, 2013
Podcast Season 1 Episode 1, Oct 3rd, 2013
Mike, can you find the bug? 😉
For winter heating you could always burn all those old paper copies of LXF 😉
Regarding Jolla see see also It translates to Dinghy. You have a similar word in English, yawl, which stems from Jolle.
Thanks Pulsatorius, I love it when words join up like that
Having almost completed my burning of LXF (not before downloading every copy I could though) I wish you all well on the upcoming adventure! Tuxradar podcast's were a corner stone of my podcast digestion and it needs to be replaced (fed) by the new Voice! I look forward to my new subscription and Challenge You: To switch all your LAMP stacks to Nginix/MariaDB instead.
On a slight side note, have a look at Subsonic and see if it deserves a review. They have changed to a subscription model recently, which will balk a few people, but the platform itself if great 🙂
!s/itself if/itself is/
erm, working in the czech republic for a week, the need for Pilsner Urquell is taking its toll:
The Jolla is already THE geek-phone. How to install Google Play on it was leaked shortly after the release:
Google Play works like a charm on it. So in fact you can get apps from 5 different app-stores:
– The native Jolla Store
– Yandex-Store
– Amazon-Store
-Google Play
– and F-Droid for open-source Android apps
But the best thing about it is the mainly geek community and the open platform.