Podcast Season 2 Episode 12
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Barone von München
In this episode: Russia is going to build its own PC systems and its own Linux-based operating system. Ardour needs some cash. OwnCloud 7 is on the horizon and Krita is doing quite well. We’ve got a special guest, five discoveries and an excellent Voice of the Masses. All from wonderful Germany.
Many apologies for the distortion on Florian’s microphone. This was caused by a problem with our USB interface whilst recording on battery power.
What’s in the show:
- News:
State departments and state-run companies in Russia are going to switch to domestically produced Baikal CPUs instead of those from AMD and Intel and switch to Linux as their operating system. Ardour, the open source digital audio workstation, needs more funding if it’s to keep its founding developer, Paul Davis, working on the project full time. There’s a beta release of OwnCloud 7 with lots of lovely new features. The Krita kickstarter campaign has reached €14,000 with 9 days to go. And the former editor of Linux User & Developer has launched a new weekly podcast focusing on the Raspberry Pi, called Raspberry Pi Today.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- Graham:
- Realtime audio and music creation with JavaScript and wavepot.com
- Flo:
- Get outside and enjoy the sunshine!
- Linux and open source training at Linux Hotel in Germany.
- Mike:
- There’s a distribution called Linux Barbecue Cream edition with 76 desktop environments.
- Andrew:
- In the UK, 90% of loans are controlled by only five large banks.
- In Germany, 70% of loans are controlled by 1700 local banks.
- Ben:
- Not that much has changed since the The UNIX Programming Environment by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike was written in 1984.
- Graham:
- Vocalise Your Neurons:
- Voice of the Masses: Which text editor do you use?
If you’d like your brains to be part of our next episode email mike@linuxvoice.com.
Presenters: Florian Effenberger, Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (32MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (45MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (14MB)
Duration: 41:26
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Maybe it would bee easier to call them “discoveries of the demi-month” thus allowing for continued alliteration. 🙂
PLEASE don’t get your facts about money and banking from socialist think tanks.
Money and banking is nothing like any other industry, large numbers of banks does not a stable and well ordered free market make !
e.g. there are lots of small banks in Spain too, they are all bankrupt. In the 1920s the US had lots of small local banks and then there was a total cascade failure of the whole banking system. At the same time Canada’s concentrated banking system did not have any failures.
If you think large numbers of small banks give better loan rates or lend less recklessly then that is not true either.
As long as you have a central bank, plus giant central banks in the US and EU and the BIS, you will not have a banking system that serves the public good. Even if you have no central bank governments and banks can collude e.g. in the US in the 19th century a very fragile and corrupt system developed where in exchange for branch banking protection banks bought state bonds. Thus you had lots of little banks that went bankrupt every time the crops failed in an area or the state defaulted on its bonds.
Have this thought when listening to another podcast. Share it here as a suggestion.
It is a common theme in Linux podcast commenting that GPG is not commonly used.
Is using GPG really that difficult?
To a Window user, yes.
To a Linux user who goes through the trouble of locating and download an iso, learn to use md5/sha, learn to use dd/unetbootin/imagewriter, plan the partitioning scheme for multiboot, install and hang and reinstall, install and doesn’t work 100% to your liking and goes looking for answers to perfect the setup of your choice, the answer is a definite no.
So why is GPG so uncommon?
Simply because of a chicken and egg problem.
There is no real use case for the common user. If the rest of the world is not using, it does not make sense for me to have GPG setup.
How are you and the community help?
Create the use case or the need to have GPG simply by encrypting your podcast.
Instead of downloading and mp3 or ogg, encrypt it with GPG for every first podcast of the month or better every podcast.
Have a little howto on GPG.
This will generate awareness and need the to use.
Can you imagine if all the Linux podcast where to do this?
All Linux podcast listeners will be using GPG.
Great isn’t it?
Let’s get GPG going.
That’s actually a pretty neat idea. ++
I totally agree about getting more people to use GPG, and it’s not a bad idea per se. But a lot of people use software that grabs podcast audio files automatically (eg from the RSS feed) and they don’t read the notes. So they’ll just get a dud file and move on to the next podcast/song on their player.
If every podcast did it, it might have some effect, but if we did it alone I think we’d just lose a bunch of listeners who don’t have the time to get everything working :-/
Just do a special linux security podcast and GPG encrypt that one. Make it separate from the normal podcast release shedule! maybe every six months? you could pair it with a security themed issue as well.
Yeah, if you did that and ruined feed updates on my phone I would be down the LV Towers with the fire and the pitchforks!
The problem with GPG is that it’s too much of an inconvenience for most people. Bruce Schneier makes the point that he has found that 1 click is too many. It gets a laugh at his talks but it’s a good point. Encryption has to be built into the software at the end point, and it has to be transparent. That’s why he is pushing to redesign the web so that encryption is a basic fundamental for any new protocol or piece of software/hardware. Asking people to create keys, import them, and do all that GPG stuff that us of the more geeky persuasion enjoy is never going to fly.