Podcast Season 2 Episode 17
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Live from The Honey Pot
In this episode: Debian is going to switch to Gnome. Native Netflix is coming to Ubuntu. Minecraft has been sold and TrueCrypt comes back from the dead. We’ve got lots of great finds, a long discussion about FOSS events and an extra-special guest.
(psst, you could maybe still go to OggCamp!)
What’s in the show:
- After recently announcing its support for Systemd, it’s looking likely that Gnome is going to become the default desktop for Debian. Native Netflix is now possible using Chrome and Ubuntu. We reported on the rumour last episode, but it’s now confirmed that Microsoft is buying Minecraft and its game studio, Mojang, for $2,500,000,000 dollars. Minecraft’s creator, Notch, is leaving after the deal, saying “I can’t be responsible for something this big.” TrueCrypt, the encryption tool of choice for terrorists whistleblowers everywhere has been reborn as CipherShed. Android applications can now be made to work on Linux, sort of. And one of Valve’s major titles, Counter Strike: Major Offensive, has been released for £11.99 on Steam, for Linux.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- Graham:
- There’s a collection of inscribed rings in the Ashmolean museum in Oxford that could have been part of the inspiration behind The One Ring.
- The Ubuntu UK podcast is rather good.
- Ben:
- Penetration testing from your phone, with Kali Linux Nexus Nethunter
- Python is the leading language, according to Subreddit subscribers, followed by Javascript and then… Java!
- Mark:
- The Linux Steam client can now stream games to SteamOS or other local Steam clients.
- Andrew:
- There’s a scale model of the solar system just outside of York.
- Mike:
- There’s a Firefox extension called Pentadactyle that can add Vim-like keyboard controls to your web browser.
- And why does Firefox builds break extensions so often?
- Graham:
- Vocalise Your Neurons:
- We didn’t have any neurons to vocalise in this episode, but if you’d like yours read out next time, email them to mike@linuxvoice.com.
- Voice of the Masses: Are you attending any FOSS events?
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Mark Johnson, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (52MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (69MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (22MB)
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
An alternative to Pentadactyl that’s more lightweight, never breaks with new updates and is actively maintained is VimFx. Great Firefox addon.
Great find nallen! Thanks.
you misunderstood my voicing regarding linux.conf.au [yes, they do it in New Zealand sometimes, I guess there is no tld for Oceania].
I meant that the conference attendance is 150 $ for students, which is not as much as some others, and for a five day event not exorbitant, but I am not sure I want/can spend that much on a thing like this. Flights are not much more though, going from Sydney
About Mate: Mark is pronouncing it correctly. I lived and worked in Argentina for a while, so at the risk of boring you with factoids, here goes: Yerba Mate is a caffeinated drink made from a relative of the holly bush. It is both stimulating and calming (from the magnesium) at the same time, but, as my mother put it, tastes like the floor of a barn. The people of the River Plate region drink it in very large quantities. It is pronounced MAH-tay. There is no accent, because in Spanish by default the accent is (almost) always on the second to last syllable. Some North American mate purveyors have (incorrectly) placed an accent on the “e” (maté) to keep blokes like you from calling it “mait,” but create the new mispronunciation of ma-TAY. So remember, it’s MAH-tay, and it’s highly recommended and economical. In the US, if you stay away from the hipster brands, you can get the real thing for $7/kilo. The real brands are Taraguí, Cruz de Malta, Rosamonte, Canárias, among others. For late night coding it’s vastly superior to coffee or black tea. No jitters whatsoever, and you can sleep when you want to.
Thanks for another great show, despite two of the hosts not being present. It was a little odd to hear Mark’s voice together with the others’ voices. Judging by the photo for this episode, I wouldn’t want to meet Mark in a dark alley! :O
@Mike – Regarding Firefox upgrades breaking extensions, I feel your pain, as does every other Firefox user. I don’t have a solution but do have a something which may help: “Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks” (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/checkcompatibility/). It allows you to disable the compatibility test.
@Ben – When printing content from a web site, you might find this site useful. It tries to optimise the content for printing and allows you to further remove content that was not already removed automatically – “Print Friendly & PDF” (http://www.printfriendly.com).
I dont really go for meeting in alleys either, pubs are much nicer 🙂
Hey Andrew… next time you’re kicking around Melbourne (Australia), head down to St. Kilda where you will find (along with the restaurants and red light district) another scale model of the solar system. A feature of this model is that if you continue all the way around the world beyond _THE PLANET_ pluto (and why wouldn’t you?), about 10 meters before you get back to our sun (Sol), you will come to another star model… alpha centauri I believe (and no… you’re not allowed to just start at Sol and go the other way… that would be cheating!)
Pluto is not a planet. If we concede that Pluto is a planet, then we need to concede that their are thousands of planets in the solar system!
I would like to say that I wansn’t outraged by that comment, but I was. Damn Pluto botherers…
re: FOSS conferences in the USA. Graham is right in that OSCON is the ‘corporate’ event (with exorbitantly priced attendee admissions IMHO).
AFAIK, the biggest _community_ run FOSS conference in the USA is the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE). Despite it’s name, it’s grown to include a lot of FOSS beyond Linux.
3 days; 100+ Sessions & Tutorials, roughly 2 to 3 thousand attendees; $60 USD for full registration, $10 USD for Expo only.
Search Youtube for the “Southern California Linux Expo” Channel to see many of the presentations from prior years.
Other community run conferences of significance in the USA include LinuxFest Northwest, SouthEast LinuxFest, Texas LinuxFest, Ohio LinuxFest, and NorthEast LinuxFest.
About the accent in mate:
Mate (noun)- the famous drink / desktop environment is a paroxytone word.
Maté (verb) – to kill, and other actions. It is an oxytone word.
In Spanish ortography (general rule):
oxytone words use a graphical accent only when they end in n, s, or any vowel.
paroxytone words use a graphical accent unless they end in n, s, or any vowel.
In spanish the graphical accent is called tilde. I hope the explanation was not too boring. Cheers!
Small corrections observations:
“matar” is “to kill” ; “maté” is “I killed” ; an ‘ is an accent ; and an ~ is a tilde as in ñ; the oxytone/paroxytone rules are correct, but most words in Spanish end in a vowel, n or s, so if you’re not sure go with the penultimate syllable.
I’ve been listening too and love the podcast, just started listening to it at the beginning of season 2. Keep up the good work, it provides a great alternative to just listening to hum of the mower when mowing and I’ve learned tons! 🙂
Anyways, moving on to what I popped in to say. In Ben’s “Finds” of the fortnight, he mentioned (around the 30 minute mark) that there was a reddit post regarding the number of subscribers, per programming-language-sub-reddit.
Then someone wondered about what it would be on StackExchange. And, I figured I’d do the research and comment here! I put together a graph based off the number of followers per language tag.
The results where pretty much what I expected, with Java/Javascript and PHP coming in ahead of Python (Mark ought to be happy! :D)
You can look here: http://wp.me/a2ZT4c-jt for the graph.
Keep calm and Linux on!