Podcast Season 3 Episode 1
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Cabaret Voltaire
In this episode: We look at the results from the latest Arch user survey, hear about the first x86 HDMI dongle PC we can think of, and there are two Tizen news items (remember Tizen?). We’ve got some tasty finds, thanks to the community, and a Voice of the Masses with a slightly political edge.
What’s in the show:
- News:
- Gnome usage has just edged out KDE in the latest Arch user survey. x86-based Intel Compute sticks have been announced. The long-rumours Tizen phones have finally been released in the form of the . And Tizen is also making its way to Samsung’s latest smart TVs.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- <pwaring> I have found out that Creme Eggs are now sold in boxes of 5 and the chocolate has changed, which is OUTRAGEOUS but not really Linux related.
- <Devilment> My Find of the Fortnight is cheese on toast with a layer of Marmite on the bread before the cheese.
- <Stilvoid> related find: cheese on toast with a layer of mayonnaise and mustard!
- <Nanu_Phoenix> I love cheese on toast with a layer of wholegrain mustard & tomato puree, I’ll have to try mayonnaise. 🙂
- <Nanu_Phoenix> My foody related find of the fortnight previous to this fortnight, is to throw some cinnamon stick in the grinder when grinding my coffee beans, it makes for a lovely cuppa!
- <Stilvoid> actual find: notmuch mail [notmuchmail.org] – it’s a thing for tagging your email and then being able to search it very easily – it deals with vast quantities of email quite happily.
- <Stilvoid> another actual find: fasd [https://github.com/clvv/fasd] remembers where you’ve been in your filesystem and then allows you to jump to locations really easy. e.g. typing `z lv` would drop me straight into /home/steve/Documents/lv/ if I’ve been there recently/frequently.
- <Aikidokajeff> Find: MHDDFS – https://romanrm.net/mhddfs Join multiple File systems to for a single larger FS.
- Graham:
- Dexed, an open source recreation of Yamaha’s famous 1980s FM synthesizer.
- Andrew:
- £7 for the CamJam EduKit.
- Ben:
- A vertical mouse could help painful wrists.
- Don’t trust anyone, even your VPN provider.
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Vocalise Your Neurons:
- Voice of the Masses: How can we educate politicians?
Due to Mike’s absence, we didn’t have any neurons in this episode, but if you’d like yours read out next time, email them to mike@linuxvoice.com.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory and Graham Morrison.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (44MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (59MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (17MB)
Duration: 49:25
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Great podcast as always guys 🙂
As far as the encryption goes, I think a lot of powerful people are missing the point. If I was planning something clandestine, there is no way I’d just trust to TOR. Instead, I’d be communicationg through a heavily encrypted, ridiculously complex chain of obscure links, using tech that’s been around hundreds of years (such as one-time-pads) to ensure my message is IMPOSSIBLE to crack. Why not let us keep our bank details safe from hackers and our love notes sectret from our exs rather than forcing us to broadcast our entire lives in the clear? So pointless…
Jonathan: there’s one problem with your “one-time-pad” plan: distributing the one-time-pad!
Dexed is avalaible as LV2 here:
There are other good synths like Obxd, Vex or Nekobi.
I knew it would come, right at the right time, I knew it would, and somehow that’s enough. Now I just can’t wait for the next one. Still, I guess I am going to have to actually listen to it to decide.
best regards,
dare I mention that spiced coffee has always been a thing? I have been adding ground pepper to my instant coffee for years, cinnamon, nutmeg have always been additions to my coffee. It was a trick played on me by a friend years ago, but lately I do actually find a bit of pepper in coffee seems to add to the flavour.
Cardamon also, but thats my limit.
These days, caramel, hazelnut or vanilla seem to be how one takes a coffee. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed, all I want is a plain cup of tea.
Brewed well, a nice cup of tea …. etc.
Mint, Chinese brew, it’s all about waiting.
Damnit, just want it now, and excuse me for being
Quite a bad situation that David Cameron should be suggesting it be illegal to use encryption that the government cannot crack, regardless of terrorist activities. How long before they redefine who a terrorist is? What if using encryption automatically makes one a terrorist?
Overall, a good podcast, although the non-Linux food-related discussions are rather boring and I skipped that bit.
Good podcast and i ordered the Camjam Edukit, great discovery
About coffee in the Arab world – the main additive is cardamom, not ginger 🙂
The answer to that question is very easy: government will ALWAYS want to know what the people are saying to each other. No government, anywhere in the world, will EVER respect the privacy of their citizens. The argument will always degrade to the “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” myth.
The social contract has been broken. The only thing left is for the citizenry to take matters in to their own hands and protect their privacy themselves (end-to-end encryption). We need to stop empowering and trusting these large multi-nationals. Until we do, we can’t really complain, and nothing will change. There’s always be some “justification” as to why our governments “need” to snoop on us.
The vertical mouse looks interesting. I’ve used a graphics tablet for the last 15 years for the same reason of RSI. The benefit of the graphics tablet and pen is that you move your whole arm rather than your wrist, and it looks like the vertical mouse would make you do the same.
The standard mouse really is not a great piece of design really when it comes down to it.