Podcast Season 3 Episode 12
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Unbreakable Linux
In this episode: Microsoft becomes an OpenBSD sponsor. Google and Oracle fight over whether APIs are protected by copyright. Jonathan Riddel removes himself from the Kubuntu Community Council and Hacking Team == Hacked. Plus there’s our usual array of finds and a Firfoxy Voice of the Masses.
What’s in the show:
- News:
Microsoft has become a Gold Sponsor of the OpenBSD Foundation. The Supreme Court of the United States has decreed that Oracle can copyright its Java API, putting Google’s re-implemented Java API in Android in a tight spot. Jonathan Riddel has ‘removed his membership‘ of the Kubuntu Community Council. Hacking Team has been Hacked. The BBC has launched the micro:bit, a micro-controller interface board that can be programmed via a touch interface.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- <HEGX64> There is a clock powered by changes in atmospheric pressure.
- <TwistedLucidity> Remove duplicate files with fdupes.
- Andrew:
- The logo of Human Rights First is very similar to the Ubuntu logo, especially the older one.
- The Computer Girls, from Cosmopolitan in 1967.
- Mike:
- Tab Closed; Didn’t Read (language warning)
- Firefox has advanced tracking protection built-in: use ‘about:config’ to set privacy.trackingprotection.enabled.
- Ben:
- Get special characters quickly with copypastecharacter.com (thanks @thefalken)
- With mkdir, ‘-p’ makes the full path, and curly braces can be used for expansion.
- Graham:
- An open source implementation of Google Authentication called FreeOTP.
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Vocalise Your Neurons:
- Voice of the Masses: What’s next for Firefox?
Get in touch with Mike (mike@linuxvoice.com) if you’d like your neurons vocalised.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (56MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (80MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (22 MB)
Duration: 1:06:28
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Speaking of copy & paste, you copied Mike’s finds of the last episode into the shownotes of this one. I wouldn’t bother but since there is no special character in it, I have to protest.
I’m particularly interested by the first troll of all times story.
One of you guys mentioned that Firefox works fine on Android. Unfortunately, it doesn’t for me as I have an older tablet and Firefox is a bit of a pig. I’ve found that CM Browser is much snappier.
BTW, I’ve been loving the podcast and glad that I’ve found it. Thanks. Unfortunately, I”ve not bought a subscription yet as the price is a bit steep to receive a paper version in the U.S. (yes, I’m one that still likes the dead tree copies.)
I too found Android Firefox to be horrendous. So much so that I uninstalled it recently and reverted to Chrome for everything. I thought this was a real shame that I had to do that.
Funnily enough I read the article on 2-factor on ssh before listening to this podcast – definitely looking to get that set up on my servers. I did use Google Authenticator for some stuff, although stopped when my phone broke and I had no way to get into the few services I used it on. FreeOTP is now installed on my new phone and we’ll see how it goes.