Podcast Season 3 Episode 14
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Spreadsheets that rock
In this episode: There’s a Firefox vulnerability that shares your SSH keyfiles, though that isn’t why future versions of Firefox will only install signed add-ons. LibreOffice 5.0 has been released, and it’s fabulous. The EFF has level-upped our privacy with Privacy Badger. Lenovo, meanwhile, is helping Windows users switch to Linux. Don’t miss the most awesome Finds section ever, and a reddit-tastic Voice of the Masses.
What’s in the show:
- News:
Danger: there’s an exploit in Firefox that can reveal the contents of .ssh. And from version 42 onwards, all versions of Firefox will require add-ons and extensions to be signed. Celebrate – LibreOffice 5.0 has been released! Upgrade your browsing privacy with the EFF’s Privacy Badger 1.0. Lenovo is still patching Windows files from the BIOS. A prototype of KDE’s Plasma Mobile can now run on a Nexus 5 smartphone. And GNOME is now 18 years old.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- <Stilvoid> Google’s DeepDream thing is the stuff of nightmares.
- <chemist69> ZIM desktop wiki (http://zim-wiki.org/). I use it for almost everything, esp. documenting my work.
- <pwaring> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TiddlyWiki – an open source single page Wiki.
- <einonm> I’ve found a great site for learning bioinformatics (genome sequencing) that is a set of small problems that you write a Python script for, and then submit the results to the website in real time – rosalind.info
- <Devilment> Not a Linux find but something you might appreciate playing with during downtime. Dunc’s Algomusic – www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=48880.0
- <einonm> The muppet song ‘mahna mahna’ was first written for a (and I quote wikipedia) ‘documentary film about wild sexual activity and other behaviour in Sweden’
- Mike:
- This episode’s Voice of the Masses has become our fourth biggest story on reddit/linux
- Graham:
- Filter your Google searches with Startpage.
- Let’s hope Alien: Isolation comes to Linux.
- Ben:
- Package manager dependencies as galaxies of data.
- Strava’s heat maps of popular cycling and running routes See all the reddit posts that have linked to a domain with (eg.) https://www.reddit.com/domain/linuxvoice.com
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Andrew:
- A remote car key vulnerability, that has only recently been reported, was discovered 2 years ago.
Get in touch with Mike (mike@linuxvoice.com) if you’d like your neurons vocalised next episode.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (60MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (85MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (24 MB)
Duration: 1:12:02
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Just a note about using a pasword to crypt your ssh key, if you do use a password you can use the ssh-agent (there is also one built into gnome) so you only have to type it in once. The key is pulled from the ssh-agent each time you login to a remote machine so it’s very convenient.
If it is g-nome, surely it is g-if too? 🙂
Put … around “See all the reddit posts that have linked to a domain with (eg.) https://www.reddit.com/domain/linuxvoice.com“
wordpress got rid of my html tags. Basically put it in the list tags. (and delete these posts)