Podcast Season 3 Episode 7
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Title: Release Party!
In this episode: Two major Linux distributions have been released. Microsoft is doing lots of things related to Linux (and open source) and there’s a new release of KDE. We’ve got some epic finds to share, a single neuron and the famously good natured Voice of the Masses.
What’s in the show:
- News:
After two years of development, Debian 8 – nicknamed ‘Jessie’ – has been released. After six months of development, Ubuntu 15.04 – nicknamed Vivid Vervet – has been released. The 2015 ‘Future of open source‘ survey from Black Duck shows excellent growth in the use of open source, with 78% of respondents reporting it was integral to their business. Microsoft has teamed up with Cyanogen Inc to bundle Microsoft’s services into the Android-based mobile operating system. And KDE Plasma 5.3 has been released.
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- <torway> (and <Hamsterjam>) Kickstarter’s WiPy; micropython on a wifi-based chip … a tiny board which can be programmed in pyhton and be connected via wifi to your
homenetwork (or create an own network, etc.)
- <torway> (and <Hamsterjam>) Kickstarter’s WiPy; micropython on a wifi-based chip … a tiny board which can be programmed in pyhton and be connected via wifi to your
- <Hamsterjam> Kubuntu 15.04. And …just had a VC with Adobe Connect using Pepperflash in Chromium, works like a charm.
- <torway> a more related (but still not really
Linux-based) find… ipython notebooks are awesome to teach and learn
about coding performing literate programming and reproducable
research. You even can give presentations (slide shows) now in which
you can execute and change code during the presentation… if you find
time have a quick look here: https://github.com/damianavila/RISE - <Hamsterjam> Network monitoring tools, UDPMon has just had a new release: http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/rich/net/index.html
- From our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Graham:
- PrivateEyePi: A DIY home alarm system built around sensors and a Raspberry Pi.
- And any advice on wiring such a system into a professionally installed alarm gratefully received.
- Ben:
- Pressing Alt and ‘.’ you can cycle through previous command arguments.
- In March, we had 4x the number of visitors finding us through DuckDuckGo.
- The hardest logic puzzle in the world.
- Andrew:
- The Digital DIY Project.
- Mike:
- Use the command wday to tell if you if any one day is a work day (huge thanks to Gavin Jamie!)
Thanks Huw! If you’d like yours read out next time, email them to mike@linuxvoice.com.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (51MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (75MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (20MB)
Duration: 1:01:32
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Yey its out! I look forward this podcast every other week almost as much as the magazine.
Keep up the good work
Whilst I enjoyed the logic puzzle from good ol’ Xkcd, it wasn’t the hardest I’ve solved.
Moreover, the inhabitants should have logically reasoned that they all could have blue eyes and left the island – like they would die before being sure of their eye colour. Thanks for sharing Ben 🙂
That’s awesome, thanks for mentioning us. Glad to hear that you find the WiPy cool!
Daniel Campora
Regarding wday and the comment from Ben about the end of Ramadan and sighting of the moon in Tanzania, I lived in Tanzania for 10 years and my experience was that this first sighting approach made it possible to ensure that it never happened on a Saturday or Sunday, therefore ensuring that the bank holiday always occurred on a work day. Very pragmatic!
Where can i find wday?
Ok but where can I find a version to install? After googleing a while I did not find a possibility to install it at Arch or Ubuntu.
This podcast briefly touched the subject of Firefox becoming increasingly unfriendly in terms of CPU load and unwanted GUI changes. I am happy to inform you that I found great relief in the Linux version of the Pale Moon spin-off browser: https://www.palemoon.org/
You should really check it out!
I pause the podcast to work out the puzzle: Here is my solution. I have not been on the internet to check it!
First, the number of brown eyed people doesn’t matter much.
1. If there is only one Blue person, they will leave immediately (day 1):
“I can’t see anyone else with blue eyes so it must be me. Bye!”
2. If there are two blue eyed people they will both leave on day 2:
“She has blue eyes, but she didn’t leave immediately. Ergo she must see someone else with blue eyes, which must be me.”
3. If there are three blue eyed people, they will all leave on day 3:
“I can see two blue eyed people, but they didn’t both leave on day 2. So there must be one more. Me!”
4. etc.
So, by induction, all 100 blue eyed people will leave on day 100.
love the podcast, and elementary OS.
Does this argument not break down with the point of.
Day 1 I see 99 blue eyed people, 100 brown eyed people and one green eyed person
Day 2 I see 99 blue eyed people, 100 brown eyed people and one green eyed person
It’s not like blue eyed people are appearing each day, or I’m only meeting one extra blue eyed person a day.
Day 1 I know there is more than 1 person with blue eyes, so no one immediately knows they are the only person with blue eyes and can leave. Therefore I am none the wiser.
Day 2 Exactly the same state.
Day 3 Exactly the same state.
It says they cannot communicate, not that I can’t physically force them together. I will group by eye color, by force if necessary. We have 3 groups and each person will figure out what I am doing. I will drag the guru over and face them towards the blue eyed people and they will speak there “blue eyed sentence”. Knowing that I group them this way all the blue know everyone else in there line has blue eyes and leave. Everyone knows brown,green, and blue are the only valid eye colors. Everyone in this line has brown eyes and there is only 1 green eye and seeing everyone else in line has brown eyes, they must be brown and they all leave. Knowing what I am doing the brown group will either accept or reject me based on eye color. If both the brown and blue reject me I know I will have some other color. The green eyed person will know they don’t have brown or blue eyes because I won’t allow them in either group(by force). Either the last person will guess the color of there eyes and leave or be stuck there permanently. Knowing what I have done the green eyed person would either accept or reject me as a final process of elimination, if the blue,brown, and green groups all reject me then I am also stuck on the island with the green eyed person, but I must have some unusual eye color. Everyone else leaves day one.
By forcing people together you are communicating about your eye colour.
Also the Guru can only ever speak ONCE. They’ve already spoken, no more speaking, EVER.
Also says for all you know, you could have red eyes.
“By forcing people together you are communicating about your eye colour.”
In real life force works wonders!
First, the GURU would not speak, even if I had to restraint them, until I was ready for them. Second, if you are in groups and everyone is a logician, you will automatically know why, and the GURU become useless.
” says for all you know, you could have red eyes.”
Yes, so there is up to 2 people left on the island me and/or the green eyed person.