Podcast Season 5 Episode 7
| Podcast RSS feeds: Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and Opus.
Title: Les Saboteurs
In this episode: Billions of Finds, some great news and a fabulous Voice of the Masses.
What’s in the show:
- News:
- There’s a new Dell high-endwork station (Precision 5720) comes with Ubuntu or Red Hat. Debian contributor Dmity Bogatov arrested. Devuan reaches 1.0 (almost). Microsoft to start selling Linux (well, Android).
- Finds of the Fortnight:
- A selection of finds from from our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- JonTheNiceGuy; Udemy have a massive discount for 40 hours, all video training courses are £10, some discounted from £200 (https://www.udemy.com/courses/).
- mcphail; Tomb Raider in a web browser (http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/).
- james_ol1mpus; Use strace to list nfiles a process tried to write to (https://linux.die.net/man/1/strace).
- Ioangogo; A location tracker based on the mqtt standard (http://owntracks.org/).
- Ioangogo; IoT stuff done right by IKEA (https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/04/17/ikea-tradfri-internet-of-things-done-right/).
- zmoylan-pi; The new Amiga is reviewed in a podcast (http://www.amigapodcast.com/2017/04/amigaone-x5000-first-impression.html).
- Devilment; A PUTTY client for Linux (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/).
- arubislander; A project that aims to keep Unity 7 alive (https://launchpad.net/unit-desktop/+announcements).
- korruptor; There’s a new ZX Spectrum in the works (https://www.facebook.com/groups/specnext).
- Graham:
- The vim-keyboard bindings qutebrowser has another crowdfunding campaign (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/the-compiler/qutebrowser-v10-with-per-domain-settings?ref=6zw7qz).
- tmux scripting (http://www.peterdebelak.com/blog/tmux-scripting/).
- My KDE Plasma 5.9 demo (https://youtu.be/yxs5OwhD6ew).
- Ben:
- StreetComplete turns missing OpenStreet Map information into missions (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/StreetComplete).
- Mike:
- Mike’s latest rocket launch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glEvogjdEVY).
- Andrew:
- Oxford’s Bodleian Library is hosting an exposition on JR Tolkien in 2018 (https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/oua/news/2017/mar-17).
- A selection of finds from from our #linuxvoice IRC channel on Freenode:
- Vocalise your Neurons:
If you would like Mike to read out your neurons next time, email your thoughts to mike@linuxvoice.com.
Presenters: Ben Everard, Andrew Gregory, Graham Morrison and Mike Saunders.
Download as high-quality Ogg Vorbis (52MB)
Download as low-quality MP3 (70MB)
Download the smaller yet even more awesome Opus file (21MB)
Duration: 1:08:37
Theme Music by Brad Sucks.
Recorded, edited and mixed with Ardour using GNU/Linux audio plugins from Calf Studio Gear.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
What a classic episode. Loved the rockets, nudity and Kim Jung-un. I was in tears of laughter! Keep up the great work.
Excellent stuff as always! Loved all the packed content in this one!
Will you be doing a podcast about programming languages ?
Just listened to this – great stuff as always guys!
Great episode as always. Have you lads had a chance to see Viba Amiga? Streaming in the states now. A bit of an uneven love letter to one of your favorite comps. At an hour it’s still worth the time to watch.
What fun the Spectrum will be coming back. We old fogies will be able to snobb around about various structured BASIC’s.
Thers is an Amiga Magzine called Amiga Future which publishes bimonthly http://www.amigafuture.de. Also available in english. May be you could write an article an publish it there 🙂