
A couple of days into the campaign, zzbjorn posted a comment on the Indiegogo campaign suggesting a slogan for Linux Voice:

Given the choice, it’s Linux Voice — zzbjorn

We liked the slogan, but we challenged the internet to do better. Our posts to the good people of Twitter and Google+ came back with a host of suggestions. Many of them focused on the Voice aspect of our name, such as these gems:

Freedom Speaks — Steve Barcomb

Open Mouths and Open Source — Brian Fagioli

Making the Community Heard — D Rankin

Linux in Your Languags — @catintp

Scott Hodgson came up with one of our favourites by playing on the word ‘open’, a word that is very close to our hearts.

Open Mind, Open Choice, Open Source — Scott Hodgson

We’re still open to suggestions though, so if you have got a brilliant idea, or want to let us know which of these you think is the best, drop us a note in the comments below and we’ll look into it.

Thanks to everyone who’s suggested a slogan. Even though we haven’t included all of them here, we’ve loved reading them all.

Thanks for all your awesome support so far, and don’t forget to keep spreading the word.


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