Voice of the Masses: Does Linux need a new mascot?
|For almost two decades, Tux has served as the official mascot for the Linux kernel, and is often used to represent GNU/Linux as a whole. We’re all used to his grinning mug and chilled-out posture, but is a slightly obese penguin sitting on his rear the best way to represent Linux?
It could be argued that GNU/Linux and FOSS needs something livelier, a mascot or logo that really encapsulates the spirit of freedom and sharing. Something striking that hardware manufacturers can add to product packaging when they support Linux. If you’ve got any ideas, why not fire up mtPaint, upload your work to Imgur, and share it in the comments?
Or perhaps you’re totally content with Tux as he is, and our smiling penguin chum tells the world that we’re not obsessed with marketing and making megabucks. In any case, let us know your thoughts below and we’ll read out the best in our upcoming podcast!
Tux is long overdue a redesign, but if you look at other brand’s logo changes throughout the years, they improve on the original rather than replacing it with something completely different. Tux just needs to go on a diet and buy some new clothes.
Tux still looks great to me. Why change?
I love tux! Sure, he may stand to benefit from a few tweaks to bring him more up to date, but I love the whimsical-ness of the logo.
Honestly, I don’t know what would better work for Linux. Apple has their Apple logo, Microsoft has a Window because of MS Windows, Android is an Android…what does Linux relate to that could be made into a decent logo?
TL;DR My vote is we keep Tux. Maybe tweak him a little so he’s a bit more cartoony or simplify the design a bit, but keep the penguin.
Tux is a classic, and there is no need to change or update. He has not aged a day. If anyone is dying for an update it’s the Gnu gnu.
Hipster tux
Oh yes, what Linux really needs is a pointless rebranding exercise so it can be like one of those time-and-money wasting big corporations. Then when everyone says how much they hate the new logo, we can go back to the old one.
>It could be argued that GNU/Linux and FOSS
> needs something livelier
Only by a moron. Tux is awesome.
>Something striking that hardware manufacturers
> can add to product packaging
I’ve seen tux on product packaging. The reason I bought the wifi adaptor I use is because it had tux on the box.
One of the best aspects of Linux is the absense of marketing bullshit. I have nothing against other mascots, but please don’t introduce anything that is created with marketing thoughts in your mind.
Yes, it’s time for a change.
I know that we all love the TUX penguin but we need to bring Linux to the attention of a market that already uses it on a larger scale than most people realise (eg Android, Chromebook). Linux is no longer just an OS for so-called enthusiasts/nerds/hackers but a real grown-up OS which can deliver stable systems.
The growth of the market for Raspberry Pi and similar platforms exposes Linux to a new audience of all ages. On it’s own, the RPi ensures future growth of Linux and that will help to bridge the gap to desktops in business I’m sure.
I second this
For a long time Tux didn’t work well as a logo. That’s because Tux requires higher resolution to be presented right. At this point, when masses are getting more into FullHD and larger screens, even on mobile, there’s no point on changing Tux to something else, or even simplifying it.
Linux is getting more publicity and users now than at the first golden age of Linux (+Linux gaming) in early 2000’s. Having a colorful recognizable penguin as a mascot/logo is great!
I love Tux and there are other logos for the various distros
Like it or not, Tux is associated with Linux.
Lots of famous companies and organisations have terrible branding but we forget about it because we’re used to it.
Think about it, would we really call a modern oil company “Shell” and have such a simple logo?
For me, The Beatles is a terrible name for a band, but we don’t think about it because they were so good.
Companies and corporations that have rebranded have come in for a lot of flack: remember the BT rebranding in the eighties?
Linux has Tux and that’s just the way it is.
I second this
By this, I mean the comment of David Goadby
This is much ado about not much of anything started by someone who had a deadline and nothing to write about.
As I mentioned in LV019 Letters, the current podgy Tux looks a little embarrassing and is hard to recognise in monotone print as it looks like an ink-splat. I would love to keep Tux, and think the Penguin is well-known as a Linux mascot, but it does need updating and/or streamlining a bit. Our OS of choice is lean and speedy, like a penguin in water, so why not find a way of integrating that concept into a redesign?
Tux is successful so carries a bit of weight, anyway sitting down always makes the lower torso look plumper. Me, I’m very successful!
“Flip” no
can’t change from Tux, no way, but yes he could go on a diet and cheer him up a bit, he looks like he just farted and is a bit embarrassed
For me if you want to appeal to new converts then Tux could do with a refresh, he isn’t as slick as either the Windows or Apple logos (as far as I am concerned at least) and like it or not, the logo for a company makes a difference to the way it is perceived.
For those of us already using Linux, I suspect Tux is just there and doesn’t need changing. For me, the distro logo is more important (although by no means a dealbreaker).
It’s an odd if not unfortunate logo, but let’s work with it. Look at Starbucks; their Siren logo has nothing obvious to do with coffee but today it’s a recognisable brand worldwide – and it’s somewhat different from the original version. So let’s do something with Tux. Smarten him up… top hat and cane maybe to imply quality… He’ll scrub up just fine.
Tux is fine – I have one on my desk grinning at me as inspiration whilst trying to learn my way through the tutorials!!!
You’re right, GNU/Linux does need a different logo. Some other animal– fast, majestic, wild, and free.
Like a wildebeest or something.
Is there a reason for a new mascot/logo? Tux isn’t no longer compelling, but he can be redesigned by students engaged in FOSS.
I think having a harmless cute fat penguin that breaks the marketing rule book is exactly right. A lion, eagle or another ‘imperial’ animal would be a good shot at presenting a face of Linux we would like people to see, while not presenting the fact that Linux can also be lazy, fat and generally not perfect. Let’s leave the pretense to the proprietors of unfree software, shall we?
I think Tux should be here to stay. Look at other tech companies and argue that their logo is better, it is probably just different. The windows logo is horrible, souless and does not exactly enspire joy for the product. I love Tux, my wife who does not really know what Linux is likes Tux and has been a source of interest to her. As a young lad my first memory of Linux was the local Currys selling two different PCs, those with Windows and those with the Penguin, this was in the mid 90’s. This memory always enstilled in me as a child that there was an alternative to Microsoft Windows and as I learned more about computing I looked up the penguin and have not looked back since!
While I have no problem with the current Tux, I also recognise that logos often get ‘freshened-up’ over time.
Apple’s logo has been refreshed at least once, and Microsoft have refreshed their Windows logo several times – likewise many of our favourite distros have refreshed their logo over time as well.
My point is, it is common and natural for a logo to ‘evolve’ over time, so I why not Tux?
A community contest could be held where (budding) graphic design artists could offer up their suggestions and either Linus or some team select by Linus (after all, he owns the Trademark) could choose Tux-ng.
All good logo updates retain the essence of the original, so I would expect the Tux penguin to still be the essence of any new design – or we could stick with the current Tux. Ultimately Linus probably needs to make the call.
The reason logos get refreshed is generally because the company needs a bump or a change of image. Linux is in neither of these categories, therefore there is neither need nor desire to alter the logo. P.S. Is the Tux logo broken? Personally I would say no, remember when the Post Office was going to change to Consignia, they paid a fortune for the privilege of aquiring a new, market research led brand, only they obviously did not ask anyone with a shred of common sense. If they had asked me I would have greatfully acceped £millions to tell them that “Post Office” is okay and “Consignia” is dead in the water.
Actually, I wasn’t specifically advocating for a refresh – I personally don’t think the logo is broken and would be just as happy if it stayed the same.
I do however accept that it “could” be refreshed and that it is not necessarily a bad thing if it does.
If done properly it could be a great boon for Linux in general – the “right” logo definitely adds cachet to products. I am not an Apple fan or user, neither am I a Nike fan or user – but both logos carry the sort of cachet that I am referring to (as examples).
Now, what the “right” logo might look like I am not remotely qualified to say, although I would probably recognise it if I saw it.
I am also not suggesting that a fortune be spent on market research or anything else, besides where would it come from. However, we live and breathe the open source world, which means we know how to engage with the community and source ideas from many, many skilled and talented individuals – if Linus and the community felt the need to refresh the logo, I am sure it could be done!
As an aside, I am based in Australia and I have NO idea what you are talking about with the Post Office logo.
I hate to face the facts but if anyone tried to change tux into something very different the community would split or flame etc. There are only about three things that entire Linux community can agree on. The Linux kernel/name, the free software model and Tux. We can’t even agree on how to turn on our computers. If some of the community used Tux and others used something else then that wouldn’t be much use. i don’t think that one could change the Linux logo and if they tried it would backfire.
What would such rebranding achieve? A sleeker penguin seems inappropriate to me… One of the great strengths of Linux is its’ support for older technologies: keeping the original Tux seems to echo that.
Besides, he pairs so well with the Perl 6 butterfly!
“Some people have told me they don’t think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They’d be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.” — Linus Torvalds
any distro is freee to create a new mascot. linux users will vote with their feet. it’s possible a new mascot would replace tux but i doubt it.
I stand with Tux. Tux never gets left behind no matter how the kernel evolves. I also think the Future of Linux Games lies less in corporate closed source SAAS and more in open source games starring Tux.
This has to be the oddest “Voice of the Masses” yet. For what problem do you see this as a solution anyway? If boredom is the reason, try going to a movie or something.
Well said.
I guess this is supposed to be the solution to the problem they themselves just created. 😀
The simplest answer is no, I agree with most post that there is no reason to change tux. However to be a little controversial, isn’t tux already dead in the water?? I have just looked at 21 linux distro websites, and only three have any form of tux on display, knoppix(part of the logo), pclinuxos(the powered by Linux logo, when updating about kernel releases) and Linux mint(the think penguin link). Shouldn’t a mascot/logo be visible and obvious to everyone not just long term users??
Mr Flibble?
No. I just like Tux as he is. Everyone knows, likes, and recognises him, so why bother changing it?
Definitely not. In fact a broader use of Tux would be welcome in helping solidify and identify what is going on at the central core of Linux machines.
For years I have had square ‘intel’ sized labels featuring a picture of Tux and the words ‘Linux Inside’ and ‘Runs on Linux’. They were handed out by my local lug ten years ago and have been on every machine I have owned since. They still manage to attract peoples attention, divert the conversation from starting with the ‘linux is crap’ opening, and help raise awareness.
Imagine every android phone with a litle penguin sticker on it’s back saying ‘Linux inside’ and you get the idea.
Cheers, Tux is perfect as it is.
I like to associate ideologies like modularity, simplicity, freedom, community, etc, with balance, control, change and stability, etc; which i like to represent either with nothing, everything, a dot, a circle or similar.
I would not dislike seeing something like that used as a reference/representation of GNU/Linux or similar systems.
I would not dislike that tux stays either. Not because i particularily like him.
I see the complaint and may feel that way too.
*In response to Rufus and Rhakios.
No, Linux doesn’t need a new mascot.
Whoever considers the logo and such marketing related eye-candy as something that “needs frequent updates” should buy themselves some @pple cr@p and be happy with that.
If Perception is 90% of reality, then those with less than a foot in the door may perceive Linux as a kids toy with a cuddly mascot.
If I want to convince a business to seriously consider a Linux environment, I’m not helped by a fat penquin sitting on it’s posterior looking at, well, nothing.
Keep Tux around, but a new logo would be welcome to me.
All respect to Linus Torvalds, but it very few people wondering if Linux can replace Windows in their workplace, have seen an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph.
Perrhaps a challenge to Linux Voice readers to use Inkscape to incorporate the spirit and design elements of Tux into a modern logo.
just let tux be! we don’t need a tiger to show that linux fights, penguins fight too, and win!
it is the symbol for years and should continue to be, linux it’s better because it is and not because it’s symbol it’s fat and cute or a supposed warrior!
Linux will probably never get a new mascot, but it could seriously do with a logo that didn’t look so out of place next to other corporate logos.
Have you tried seeking the idea of Linux to a boardroom of non-techies by using a black smudge of a penguin next to the flat designs of the windows and apple logos? It looks like shit! It’s mostly black, it’s too tall, and loses chunks of detail when scaled down.
I vote for a Linux LOGO! (Keep Tux as a mascot, which is what he is, and keep him in the background somewhere).
I think there definitely needs to be a redesign. Here’s one that I like. http://cyberpunklibrarian.com/linux-and-its-image-problem/
At the bottom of the page.