Voice of the Masses: what would you say to Microsoft’s new CEO?

So, there’s a new head honcho at Microsoft. Most of us have mixed feelings about the company, especially given the previous CEO’s inflammatory remarks about Linux, and many of us avoid Microsoft programs altogether.

Still, it’s big news for the computer industry as a whole, so we want to hear from you: what advice would you give Satya Nadella, the new CEO? How would you encourage him to open up the company and improve relations with the Free Software community? What can he do to repair Microsoft’s tarnished reputation amongst Linux users?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and we’ll read out a selection in our next podcast recording. NOTE! The podcast will be delayed by a week, because we’re approaching the deadline for Linux Voice issue 1, and we want to concentrate fully on the mag. But next week we’ll be free to gather round the mics. (And thanks to LV listener Ernest Hirose for suggesting this question!)


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