Voice of the Masses: X/Mir/Wayland – do you care?

Before we get to this episode’s big topic: we’re delaying the podcast by a week, so that we can all get together in England and meet up with the generous buyer of the £1,337 “Meet the team” meal perk from our Indiegogo campaign. It’ll be great to meet him, and chow down on some lovely grub in Bath!

Anyway, back to the matter at hand: there’s been a lot of discussion about display servers recently. As you’ve probably seen, X is on its way out (at least on typical desktop PCs), likely to be replaced by Wayland and/or Mir in time. Some developers argue that the display server doesn’t matter, because application developers are using toolkits that add a level of abstraction, whereas others say it does matter because the underlying behaviour changes. (Also see Aaron Seigo’s take here.)

So, we want to hear your opinions. Do display servers matter? Do you care about the technical details of the implementation? Or do you think all this arguing and duplication is fragmenting the Linux and FOSS Unix desktops, and wasting too much time? Let us know in the comments…


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