What a day!
|That was one of the most intense 24 hours any of us have been through!
From the moment we snipped the virtual blue ribbon, until just 91 minutes ago, when we passed the £10,000 mark – £10,000 in under 24 hours! – we’ve all been glued to our secret IRC server at Linux Voice towers, posting updates, linking emails, tweets (https://twitter.com/linuxvoice), Google+ posts (https://plus.google.com/u/0/112692860234668799153), forums (thanks CrunchBang!: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=345030) and all the other mentions we’ve been getting.
We’ve been overwhelmed by your contributions and support. A huge thank you!
This is just the beginning of our campaign, and we’ve got a lot planned for the next 42 days. We’ve got a new podcast to launch (probably next week). We want to make a couple more videos (now we’ve learnt the skills!) and write lots of stuff to put on both LinuxVoice.com (http://www.linuxvoice.com) and into the first edition of the magazine. We’ve also got many people yet to speak to, important updates to announce, and hopefully, other podcasts to talk to.
We couldn’t do this without your help! Keep doing what you’re doing, and we’ll make it happen!
Congratulations on the successful campaign launch day. Andrew's update video was a nice touch. Looks like Andrew is a bit sleep deprived, although I suspect he's not the only one.
What is this 'sleep' of which you speak?
Fantastic news guys. Really hope the target is met and look forward to a great new Linux Magazine. Your podcast has kept me informed, amused and hooked and keeps me buying Linux Format.. Not sure what it will be like without you guys and Graham.
Good luck guys. Subscription bought just as soon as I'm back in the UK and can use PayPal. I've posted to Slashdot http://slashdot.org/submission/3113403/new-linux-voice-magazine-to-donate-50-of-profits-to-free-software-linux-c so go vote it up and it stands a better chance of making it to the front page.
Ben Everard is interviewed on the Seattle based Linux Unplugged Show, 5 fab minutes of spotlight on Linux Voice (plus a link to the campaign in the show notes at Jupiter Broadcasting).
Check it out (start min 2:04):
There had better be a tutorial into creating videos in the first issue 😉
Plus a major feature on crowd funding a new magazine.